Illumination is a seasoned Alliance raiding guild on Khaz’goroth with a successful focus on pushing for Cutting Edge.
Illumination has been progression raiding for 11 years, maintaining strong leadership and core raiders from the beginning, as well as welcoming in some truly incredible raiders throughout our long history.
We are a fun guild with a strong focus on Mythic Progression Raiding. As such, we expect our players to display some of the following:
- Have a strong understanding of their classes.
- Thorough research on raid and boss mechanics prior to raid starting.
- Be able to demonstrate flexibility with their classes specializations.
- Display excellent raid awareness and be able to perform at a Cutting Edge level.
While we don’t expect initial clean execution you are expected to put forth your best effort, and show improvement throughout progression.
Guild Experience:
Wrath of the Lich King:
- Alliance First H LK 10
- Alliance First, Server Second H LK 25, pre Cataclysm.
- Alliance Second Glory of the Cataclysm Raider
- Alliance First Heroic Madness (10)
- Server First Heroic Madness (25)
Mist of Pandaria:
- Server second Heroic Ra-den (25)
- Server second Heroic Garrosh Hellscream (25)
- Alliance first Heroic Garrosh Hellscream (10)
Warlords of Draenor:
- Gone Fishing
- Cutting Edge Xavius
- Alliance first and Cutting Edge Guldan
- Alliance first Mythic KJ
- Alliance first and Cutting Edge Argus
Battle for Azeroth:
- Server Second and Cutting Edge Queen Azshara
- Alliance Second, Server Third and Cutting Edge N’Zoth
- Server first and Cutting Edge Sire
Raid times (UTC+10/AEST):
- Wednesday: 8pm - 11pm
- Thursday: 8pm - 11pm
- Sunday: 8pm - 11pm
How to Apply:
Please fill out this form:
Contact Us:
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us via discord or in game.
- PizzaTheHutt (PizzaTheHutt#1129)
- Nexald (Nexald#6673)