[A] < Illicit > [8/10M] Recruiting Raiders for CE Push! Healer Needed!

Come with us and do the things!

Yes…All the things!!

Things with friends!

oh hi gamers

We’re recruiting!!!

We have room for raiders!

Still looking! Check us out!

Bumping for the LOL’s

(Drum and Bass)
Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump
Rave Alarm

We host plenty of social events as well!

up to the top you go

Join Illicit!

Come to Illicit!

Come bring the noise baby!

IDK who you think you are… but we we want you to come hang with the cool kids :wink:

come join illicit a lot of fun to be had and 3 raid teams

up to the top you go

illicit best guild ever.

Yeah we are!

nice people fun guild best server what are you waiting for join illicit today.