[A] [Icecrown] <French Toast> Monday 8-11est, LF 1-3 DPS, 1 Healer

French Toast is a super laid-back group of friends who enjoy casually raiding and pushing keys each season.

We raid Mondays 8-11 Eastern.

Ready for Heroic progression.

We would love to recruit 1-3 DPS and 1 healer for our core team.

We have a few M+ teams that run a night or two a week and usually attain 2500-3000.

Our aim for each tier is to get AOTC and complete the Raid Meta achievement.

If you are interested or have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us:

In-game: LizardWizard-Icecrown
BNet: SnakeySnake#11172
Discord: Goomy#5271

In-game: Baggins-Icecrown
BNet: Baggins#1770
Discord: Banjo#9851

In-game: Hootknight-Malygos
BNet: Hoohah#11930

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