A Hypothetical - Cancelling Afrasiabi

Chris Metzen knew Alex Afrasiabi and worked closely with him for all of years that Alex is credibly accused of being an abuser.

The godfather of WoW’s lore is close personal friends with his hand-picked successor.

All of Warcraft’s story is tainted. There is no salvaging any of it.


I didn’t know where the name came from.

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I am strongly against this. If a person is bad, does not means that he didn’t do good things. Why should we delete good things?

P.S. Yet only one thing will be good in this case is that there will be no Sylvanas. :sweat_smile:

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Burn it all down, start over again. Alternate Universes exist, after all.
Let Zoval have his Thanos-Snap, but oopsi-do it takes Zoval too.
Blank slate. New writers. New dev teams. New leaders.

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There are many very good reasons to delete “good” things. For one the sense of clarity and security that comes from knowing the lore you are enjoying did not originate in the mind of a sick abuser deviant. Secondly knowing that the good people who contributed in good faith to that sick abuser devian’ts lore do not have to be saddled with the guilt that they are contributing to the sick abuser deviant’s work.

I know there are a lot of people who put in a lot of good work to build the lore we have today that are not Alex Afrasiabi or Chris Metzen. And that is very sad. That is very heartbreaking. But sometimes you have to cut away healthy flesh to get rid of the rot.

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Why? Why do you need to start Warcraft over again? Why does Warcraft need to continue if it’s so irrevocably tarnished? Brand recognition?

You are still trying to salvage it by saving the IP. Metzen came up with Sylvanas, so she needs to go too? And Thrall? And the Orcs? And Azeroth? Or are just being selective here?

The easiest solution is to just walk away from the IP. I know that’s what I am going to do. I had already lost most interest in Warcraft’s story altogether, this just makes it easier.


Why? Why not?

Most of us here are bright enough to recognize that there’s something special to it.
Else, we wouldn’t be here, investing our time and energy on this forum, having this conversation. Despite the fact that I’m going to let me sub runout and don’t plan on returning, I (as others) recognize that my hiatus may only last as long as the next expansion… or I just get the itch to return for a spell.

There is something special here on Azeroth. Despite how much it borrows (and even out right steals from pop culture around it) something clicked and created a kind of magic that’s made this one special. The characters, the lore, the world. The way it’s all brought together has created something unique. There’s a heart to it that clicks with more than just me. I really don’t need to explain it. Just recognize it.

I think that what’s been done to the story could be undone, but not without significant focus and investment on their part. Which feels unlikely. They don’t lack the talent, however the cause of the harm runs so much deeper than just the story telling. So deep that it’s going to take something equally special to happen for Blizzard to recover and for them to bring Warcraft back on track, and I just don’t see it at this juncture.

It could happen. We’re living in an age of endless reboots and maybe this is a chance for them to do something no one really expects. Reboot the franchise in a unique an interesting way. Rekindle the fan base that they’ve managed to squander over the years and kick this circus off again for a whole new generation. I’d likely be among the crowd. There’s lots of money in it for them if they play it right. It’d be a shame to see so much potential be packed away and forgotten. Then again, look what’s been done to so many other IPs of late…

So, this is where I’m at. I really want to care, I want to be interested and engaged… but I’m spent. Whatever goodwill, hope, or faith I had for this place… they’ve expended.

As I’ve said, maybe the best thing is to just let it die. Grim as it sounds, sometimes that is the best thing. Not just for me, but for them as well. Move on to something else. It was a great run while it lasted but maybe, just maybe, they could do something radical with it.

Or don’t. Forgive me my apathy but I’m past caring.

I sincerely hope this law suit gets resolved in a favorable manner for all involved and that those that deserve it get what’s coming to them.

This is the fourth time I’m saying this. This is a hypothetical, not a call for it to happen.

… Do people read?

I’d be happy about it because the burning of Teldrassil and the entire extinction and destruction of the Night Elves would’ve never happened, perhaps they’d still be part of the setting then if they weren’t just all killed and their souls obliterated.

Here is my own opinion. None of us were particularly phased that Warcraft lore borrowed from say Lovecraft, you know the guy who was as racist as they came. Similarly, I am not going to let the fact Warcraft was shaped by some nasty people suddenly ruin my view on it, especially considering it was shaped by plenty of people who are innocent/put their own heart and soul into the game. Lets fact it, many video games are the product of a combination of “bro culture/burnout culture and possibly company greed”.

Having said all of that I am hoping justice is done. Let the people who caused the most harm end up paying and hope things change for the better.


I think, especially in the lens of Lovecraft, much of what we take in a modern way tends mainly towards the cosmic horror which is huge and completely non-human, much less touches on his stories that are flat out labeling finding out one of your parents was of a different race was enough to destroy the mind and possibly drive that character to suicide.

And like that, I think it’s definitely worth it to look at the lore with a critical eye towards these issues and demand better going forward, and Blizzard really should be thinking long and hard about how some things are characterized in the future so that wherever the sexism and racism intersected with what went into the game gets fixed in some manner. They’ve been heavy handed in recent expansions in destroying past narratives to fit their current story, they can be just as heavy handed in fixing things like this.


Good news : That didn’t happen even in the current canon.

I think about that too.

Heck, even Tolkien lamented the tone of his works as he aged, where the men of the west and the elves were this white western european aesthetic, while the men of the south and east were more prone to falling under the sway of the dark lord and considered wicked.

I think he even tweaks his lore a little bit in the expanded works to make room for good people and rebellions to be possible in those lands.

At least in his later years, he and his estate lamented those aspects and tried to crack open the lore door a little.


Uh yes, it kinda did. But only if you paid attention to BfA and Shadowlands.

I am going to hope you just do not know what “entire” or “extinction” means - because they still exist on Azeroth after BfA. They are in Hyjal in Shadows Rising.

You are the one who has not paid attention, and uses words you can not even grasp to project a head canon that anyone who logs in can disprove - since Night Elves exist in the current canon and in game.

There is a Night Elf choking Sylvanas in a recent cinematic. That alone disproves their “entire extinction”. But I will also add that Shadows Rising also has tons in Hyjal - and that takes place after BfA.

I mean, at this point, your trolling and head canon is so easily contradicted by the lore, even a cinematic from Blizz disproves it.


Of course you can disprove it when you login, because in the game they even have Ashenvale still, and you can magically make Teldrassil reappear. Still doesn’t change anything about the story.

Tons? I don’t think Malfurion, Maiev, Tyrande and Shandris make up for a ton, they don’t look that heavy.

Also the Night Elves are eventually going to go extinct with nowhere left to go, barely anyone alive and the fact that they rarely have children. That was the entire point of destroying the Night Elves as a nation and as people (as mentioned in A Good War) and the fact that there are far too few left.

Their souls have also been obliterated for a reason, that reason being showing us that there’s no hope for them left and that a mass revival of them can’t save them either now. And obviously the entire glorification of that thing with Sylvanas being the hero now etc.

Ah, so you acknowledge that they are not currently extinct - getting you to deny your own lies and head canon usually takes longer… but I guess it was just too easy to prove you wrong this time.

You acknowledge there are some alive. That they are not “entirely extinct”. And that it is merely your assumption that they may be extinct later.

It takes a big NEFPA to admit when they are wrong.

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Uh the entire was refering to “extinction and destruction”. They are not currently extinct, but they are close to and will eventually be as the story told us since they’re not only destroyed as a nation and people, they also have nowhere to go and their souls were obliterated after being abandoned by their goddess.

Imagine how bad the state of the race must be when even their goddess abandons them after so long.

I am glad you acknowledge that much. That was what the current lore easily and blatantly disproves.

The rest of your thoughts are just your assumptions about future lore, and I can not argue that, since it hasn’t happened yet, and it can go anywhere. So guess what you will.

Tyrande may all of a sudden become pregnant with a litter of kaldorei, Octomom style.

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Nope, since those thing I mentioned (nowhere to go, souls obliterated, destroyed as a people and nation, abandoned by their goddess, their genocide glorified etc.) have already happened.

Hyjal. They go to Hyjal. As of Shadows Rising, they are there. Thrall even goes there because… that is where the Night Elves went.

I guess getting you to admit you were wrong about the Night Elves being “entirely extinct” was enough for one morning. I can’t correct every wrong thing you type.