[A] Hunter/boomy LF GMT+8 Guild

Hello. I’m a MM hunter/boomy Lf for a gmt+8 raiding/m+ guild
Not looking for anything too hard core just something relaxed and maybe bit casual
Currently 10/10H
2/10 mythic prog
Possibly looking into next tier to start fresh
You can contact me on discord as well

hi Still looking? 5/10m.

My discord is - Thiccabella#8055

Raid Schedule:

Wednesday and Sunday 9:30 pm to 12:30 am , gmt 10.

Hey mate,

Jim’s raiding is looking to build numbers to knock a few mythic bosses next tier (achieved AOTC and the thought of pugging for mythic for CN is revolting) we’re a chill group that loves a bit of banter whilst also achieving prog. Each week.


Hey mate sent you an add on discord for a chat i feel our guild would be perfect for you. Discord name is Cantbstopped#6732

Hi friend. If you guys are still looking for a guild we are 10/10 H looking for more raiders to push mythic. You can contact me at angelkitty#1437 on bnet. Here’s the link to our recruitment: