I have been on this server for 15 years and really don’t want to server transfer and leave my home.
My work hours are kind of odd so weekdays I can only be on from 5am to 9am est. Which pretty much means the only chance I have to find a raid is the weekends.
Sat and Sun I can be on pretty much anytime but would prefer 5pm est and later so I don’t have to shift my bizarre slept schedule around.
Prefer a Mythic focused raid but might be willing to settle for heroic(aotc) if it means I don’t have to server transfer.
I have been raiding since vanilla and even have a few server first raid kills over the years. I plan on raiding as BM but more then willing to play MM if it suits the raid(I have BiS memories for both specs).
I also stream raids on my twitch(if the raid group is cool with it)and post the first kills to my youtube(figured I would mention it cause alot of people I have raided with in the past liked watching our first kills).
I’m sure there is more I could list here but I suck at selling myself and this post is probably already too long anyway.
So if the days/times I listed falls into your raid hours and you want an experienced hunter you can contact me on discord Slaytanic#8094 on battlenet Slaytanic#1945 in game on my hunter Slaytanic or druid Slay. Will also respond to replies to this post as well.
Thanks for reading ~Slaytanic