Hi there to all of my Vanilla vets and hopefully a ton of you newcomers. Heads up, a huge wall of text coming at ya. Apologies for posting under this character. Apparently I can’t select my 72 Hunter. But I’m positive some of you have seen my words on this forum before under the name SarØs. That was my day 1 character. This is the one I made trying out BFA (regret it) Anywho…
We’re here a little over a month out from launch and I haven’t felt this hype for a game since Starcraft 2. Maybe even Half-Life 2 for those who remember how nuts the last year of that wait was. Both personally and the ‘air’ among the gaming community itself. To have a game that I will actually sit down and put time into the likes I haven’t done in almost 10 years.
WoW (as it used to be) is my all time favorite game and I trust the same for many of you. We’re here not only because of our passion for the game, but more importantly, the passion for the community that gives this game a truly unique identity. I know I speak for Millions when I say, as the years went on, that unique feel seemed to fade for us. I myself am a Vanilla OG from December '04 and played through until January ‘09. In that span of time I saw a lot and played a lot. But towards the end of those 4 years, I began to see a “watering down” of the game and consequently the community - I ended up cancelling my sub just before the first week of February 09’. The game was headed in a direction I didn’t like.
While there was always that “itch”, I didn’t end up returning until BFA at the urging of a friend. He had kept playing the entire time and wanted me to come back to try the game. So I did. I played for about a week. Not total game time, mind you. That’s how long the game was installed. ‘The World of Warcraft’ had just become world of warcraft to me. The epic feeling, the seemless world, the social interaction, the investment into a character… those were all gone. I tried BFA because I felt perhaps Blizzard was getting back to the old school feeling of “us vs them” and making PvP/WorldPvP viable again. Sure didn’t feel that way and the rest was history.
Probably a bit silly and maybe a ‘bend’ of the rules but I’d like to thank the “other” server communities for really being the pilot light to the fire. Those people from Nostralius and the like that dedicated hours upon hours to recreate a world we loved. Sure, what they did was “illegal”… but I feel it wasn’t necessarily immoral. I appreciate them, both the devs and the players, in keeping the spirit of his great game alive all this time. It made Blizzard very aware of the demand for things as they were. But I’d also like to thank Blizzard for giving a guy (myself) with less than 10 hours played the past decade a shot at the beta. I know many who never unsubbed and have spent a great deal of money beyond myself that didn’t get in. That sucks and I am sorry.
Now that we done got that out the way… about our guild.
The important stuff. - U.S. (EST) - Alliance - PvP
Our primary focus will be PvP and World PvP. We have a great love of the latter. The idea being to put together a small(er), organized, yet tight knit group of players that can be elite fighting opening world while owning AB and having specific roles in AV. Ideally we’ll be no more than 20 people plus a couple alts. The intention is to make a name for ourselves with quality players and not quantity. Yes, we do have some PvE aspirations but they won’t be anywhere in the same ballpark as what they were 13-14 years ago. We’re not kids anymore. We’re in our 20’s and early 30’s. We have jobs, lives, families and relationships now. We just don’t have the time to devote weekly raids for hours on end just for progression. For the most part we’ll be focused on the 5 and 10 man game. However I’ve reached out to some leaders from days past in hopes of forming “sister guilds”. This way we might organize with them should we want to pull our resources and players for ZG, MC and maybe a silly AQ 20 here and there. But like I said, PVP will be our main focus. Also things like groups for farming mats that lend itself to PvP… we won’t get Devilsaur Hides or Essence of Fire’s from Un’Goro without having trouble doing it. We might even stream snipe a time or two, who knows? We’re a good time, especially on the mic. We’re funny, lighthearted, sarcastic (hope you don’t offend easily) and guild events plus enjoying the company while leveling will reflect that. Naked gnome race, duel tournament, on top of the other stuff like bounties on blacklisted Horde players/guilds with gold rewards. Simple premise - Everybody contributes to the guild, and we benefit as a group.
No, we are not a “hardcore” guild. Sorry to all you high school virgins that still find time to play 8-10 hours a day, 7 days a week. We will achieve no world firsts with this guild. So if that’s what you’re looking for… we can’t help you. We intend on enjoying the journey of the leveling process and making sure we level our characters as well as profs and equipment equally. However by no means are we casual players. We play regularly, but again, we have lives. While we don’t put in the hours we once did, we are still good at this game and playing our respective classes. We would expect the same from you.
We’re going to be selective about the players we recruit. More than anything what we’re looking for are players with some type of Vanilla and/or TBC experience coupled with personalities that can mesh with ours. Keep in mind that you’re being invited to play with a group of long term friends. I’ve known most of these guys 10+ years. If you can’t blend with us, it just won’t workout. But If you love one liner humor, pop culture references, sports (Football, Basketball, Baseball, etc etc) dark humor and the like… then you might just fit in with us. If you get the guild name then that is a start. Ladies - we’re one of the few groups who won’t go “ZOMG A GUUUUURL MAKE ME A SAMMICH”. It’s 2019 FFS and like I said, we’re a bunch of normal people playing a game we love. We welcome anyone provided you’re not the annoying type. At the moment we’ve been keeping our gaming lives busy with some Rocket League and Madden. But those won’t be played when Classic is released.
Right now we’re looking for 7(ish) people and the classes we’re looking for are -
Mage - please don’t be stingy with the food and water
Rogue - Dear God, know your poisons and when to have what applied.
Druid - We would prefer a Druid leaning towards support PvP utliity. I.E. heals and some CC. Balance/Resto. Roots, rejuv and mark are under appreciated in a group fight. But if you have a history of being effective as a hybrid feral, then we can talk.
Priest - Shadow and a Healer would be hot.
At the moment we’re full up on Warriors, Paladins, Hunters and Warlocks. But it’s always possible we recruit those classes at another time.
Feel free to post in this thread of your interest. If not, also feel free to send me a message via adding my battletag - ts7#1831. I’ll get back to you when I can. Let me know your class, WoW experience and how you feel you’d fit in with us. We will require you to have discord. A mic would be nice but most important is you being able to hear us during dungeons and PvP. That’s all I got for now. Thanks for taking a few minutes to read this. It feels good to be back home and I look forward to seeing everyone out there again!