(A) Honor Rewarded is Inaccurate


Did a premade tonight in which my team won 16 games straight of AB/EOTS/WSG. Got about 3k honor. This doesn’t seem to track with the values of original TBC when I played. I believe there was another post made during prepatch (prior to the 2x honor temporary buff) that detailed exactly how much slower we are obtaining honor when participating in BGs. I just want to draw to light that this issue hasn’t gone away and is obscured by the discussion over the absurdly long queue times horde are currently experiencing.

Could we please get a comment as to whether or not current honor values are accurate?


Andycloud :rage:


Hi, please stop crying we are suffering from 40 minute queues.

Quiet fool, you are literally part of the reason why the horde have long queues. He’s talking about things that blizzard messed up and need to fix.


The honor is accurate to original TBC. If you want it buffed, ask for it to be buffed. Don’t expect Blizzard to buff it by telling them to make it TBC correct when it already is. What an exercise in futility.

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Should’ve queued that premade during prepatch at 10x or 2x rates, dummy

… but it’s not! Do you refute the sources in the above mentioned post? Did you play during original TBC? Does it seem accurate to you to only get 3k honor from 16 wins?

I detect jealously; horde wouldn’t have time to play 16 games

Honor is accurate, do you expect blizzard to make a mistake with their own game?

Is that confirmed? I know you posted some SS and stuff, but did they ever change honor during TBC? I have some old video that shows s3 clips where 20 per kill or so is accurate, but how was it before? How was it in S1?

Is that also confirmed or are you just confirming honor for later seasons?

Edit: Im really curious. I remember farming honor gear on my toon 15 years ago, but I can not remember taking it that long. That said i was 15 years younger and my memory might have been fogy. Not sure i ever had that much time tbh.

It seems far under value idc what their “source code” says.


they are for sure wrong, would never have gotten fully geared as a 12 year old if this was how it was (it wasnt)


They changed some things, yes. They removed diminishing returns on kills in patch 2.4 and made changes to AV during TBC.

I’m not 100% sure if we have the diminishing returns removed on honorable kills right now. If we do, then we’re actually getting more honor for kills than we did at the start of original TBC.

I’ll post the key blue posts cause I’ve been posting way too many screenshots across all sorts of threads. People can go to youtube and look at videos from 2007 to confirm the low honor rates themselves if they want:

Rank didn’t affect honor from kills at anytime in TBC. This was posted during the original TBC pre-patch:

Battleground objectives give honor based on on the value of honorable kills. One kill = 20.9 honor:



Eye of the Storm gives 20.9 honor per 330 resources gained.

I believe that with the introduction of nerfs to HK honor and flag cap honor - defender bonuses were introduced that awarded bonus honor based on how you held points.

I’m also not entirely sure honor was split across the raid in BGs like it was in open world, too. I remember getting the same amount for solo kills in open world as I would in BGs mobbing around with a group.

I mean i wonder why you post this and not a blue poster, that said, and this is exactly my point i guess… all your sources are from december 2007.

Thats almost a year after TBC launched.

You got any info wether they had a different honor reward system at launch?

Edit: we are also not in s1 by that time. If s1 was 20 weeks, and started 14 days after launch thats 2/1/07… +20 weeks = july 2007.

Me too. I really, really do wonder why they don’t post to confirm things when the community is in disarray. You can use this:

and look through all the hundreds of pages of blue posts and see that communication was actually a lot better in the past.

Videos on youtube. You can see the same awful honor throughout the entirety of TBC. Here’s some examples:

The blue post from the pre-patch I linked above straight up says that rank doesn’t affect honorable kills, and if it does, it’s a bug. If you want me to go find videos from January 2007, I can try to do that. There’s no blue posts detailing in depth the honor that I can find aside from the things I linked.

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They have a reference client, all you have is your memory.

Sorry but your memory is not a valid defense for your claim. Provide numerical evidence from actual TBC with actual time stamps. Otherwise you have quite literally nothing to stand on mate.


During lvling, high ranked targets were worth more significantly than the boosted “scouts”… But i haven’t checked that out since lvling.

Also did honor split when ppl killed others? Like a person is worth 20 honor per kill, but if 5 ppl kill that guy, its worth like 2-5. Did that apply in original TBC? Or did everyone get 20?

The 1.12 reference client they used still was not enough to have a ton of bugs till phase 4.

So it means absolutely nothing.

This isn’t classic WoW spam run premade BGs all day slaying pugs to farm honor.
Back in original TBC, most of our honor gains came from collecting BG marks.
Queue a bunch of AV and turn in all the marks you earned from those BGs to the “For Great Honor” repeatable.
You will find that you have gained a ton of honor once you turn them in.
This, along with requiring marks to purchase items, as well as the daily “Call To Arms” was to incentivize players to participate in all 4 BGs rather than spam AV solo or AB in a premade group all day :slight_smile:

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