is looking to do a roster fillup, we lost some people recently and want to get back to 25s (so yes we do have some room for groups of friends currently).
We raid Tuesday and Thursday nights, 9-12 server time.
Current Progression
13/14 Ulduar 25
13/14, 2 HM Ulduar 10
Phase 1: 17/17
Loot System: LC
25mans will run Tues/thurs and 10 mans on off nights.
Current openings:
Mage - none
Rogue - high - Assassin and Combat
Pally - high - Prot with ret os
Warrior - none
Hunter - high - Surv and MM
Priest - high - Disc
Druid - medium - Bear tank with dps os
Warlock - high - Afflic
Shaman - medium - Enh
About Us
Day 1 pagle guild with some playing together back in vanilla. We want to push content while still having lifes and having fun during raids.
We try to make loot as fair as possible and go to the right places as well, that is why we went with LC. We do expect raiders to be fully
enchanted, gemmed, flasked and fed on raids to help us push as smoothly as possible.
We are also looking for casual and bench players as well to plug into raids if needed.
If interested please hit me up via discord or find an Honor guildy and they can reach me.
-In game chat - Zilben, Baodion, Garlix, Baodian