Hello, I’ve been looking to find a guild on US Pagle Alliance to play Wrath Classic. I played Wrath the original go-around very extensively with even a few US firsts under my belt. I’d love to put that experience with a nice, fun guild that also gets stuff done in 1-2 days.
Holy is my primary spec and that’s the spec I enjoy playing the most. I also can/will play disc on the fights that require it. Very extensive hard mode experience with Ulduar, ToGC, and ICC. You can check my original Character Eirwen on US Area 52.
When not raiding I do enjoy leveling alts and used to do GDKP runs all the time. I plan on having a Resto Druid as my primary alt during Wrath Classic.
I’m in Central time and would love to raid with a guild 1-3 nights a week (2-4 on progression possibly). Pretty flexible on the days, Fri/Sat are typically a no-go though.