[A] Holy Priest main LF Mythic raiding guild!

Hello! I play a Alliance priest on US-Dalaran named Dispelled and prefer to stay on this realm if possible. I’ve been enjoying Wow on and off since TBC and have always found that raiding is the best of the end-game content. In every tier in which I’ve played wow I have achieved AOTC and primarily raided mythic content, typically clearing a little more than half of the Mythic raid bosses with a progression raiding guild. I have several alt chars, also enjoy Mythic+ dungeons, as well as doing occasional rated pvp content.

I am looking for a raiding guild that is in need of a solid, dedicated Healer main with a lot of wow Raiding experience. I’m okay playing Shadow as needed for certain bosses/compositions, as well as rotating with other healers, but I would like to find a home that needs me primarily for healing. I come prepared for all fight strategies with my own consumables and keep my characters up to date with the latest player power requirements. I’m interested in getting AOTC early on and primarily focusing on Mythic bosses during the raid tier. I have pretty open availability and play often, but I prefer a guild that raids in the evenings, sometime within Sun - Thurs.

Discord = Dispelled#7307
Bnet = Dispelled#11862