[A & H]<Knights of Wrynn> Most Guilds Here are the Same, Be Different Join Us!

What up,
I am interested in joining and just applied in game. Am a 384 War and I can tank or DPS, would rather tank though. I am coming back to DF after a little break and am looking to normal raid at least and do M+ and hopefully get AOTC at some point.
Thank you for your consideration! I am also Ally on Stormrage, not sure why my guy is still Horde on here.

Hey Krazgar! Welcome to Knights of Wrynn! I approved your application earlier this evening. Looking forward to hanging out!

Looking for more active raiders for normal and heroic progression…especially an active off-tank and DPS that can play during our scheduled raid times!

Do you need a resto shammy for raid?>

Hello Melrimm. We could definitely use another active healer for raids. If you read my post and you feel like we would be a great fit for you, then most definitely apply in-game. Thank you for your interest in Knights of Wrynn!

Need guild/group oriented off-tank, healers, and dps for normal/heroic raiding and M+'s.

Bump for KoW!

We’re always looking for new friendly faces to join the guild!

Need more active raiders for Heroic Vault of the Incarnates!

Looking for more Healers and DPS for Heroic Vault!

Bumping for more raiders for Heroic Vault!

Could I please get someone to message me? I have a few questions. Here is my discord Bloodrenderr#8140

I sent you a friend request in Discord. Feel free to send me your questions there when you get the time. Thanks!

Great guild, with a great vibe. We help each other grow and learn. If you have this mindset to be part of a team then join us!!

Need more active raiders for Heroic Vault and for getting ready for Season 2!

Hello, I’m looking to return to raiding in Season 2. Not played for a while, and may need some guidance on raids, and how to improve on certain things. I love to improve and get better at bosses and my class. Just looking for a new home, and had a few other questions. My Btag is ForestLord#1904. Thank You.

Hello Firêfreezer! You sound like you would be a great fit in our guild. I will add you to my friends list and we can talk further there. Thank you for your interest in Knights of Wrynn!

Still looking for active healers for Heroic Vault!

Bump for more active raiders for season 2!

Want to raid in Season 2? Join us!!