I am trying to get a raid team together to run the achievement “Herald of the Titans”.
This is a level 80 exclusive achievement, meaning you’d need a character at or below level 80 (that you would level of course). There is a restriction to the ilvl of your items your character can wear, the highest piece of gear you can have equipped is ilvl 100. This was recently changed, along with the player limit (originally only 10 players) now being changed. We’re technically able to bring the limit on players with the changes made to ulduar to allow Timewalking.
If anyone is interested in attempting this I am trying to get as many people as possible. I have around 10-20 people already but we’re missing some key components to making the fight work.
Now, some of you might ask why I am posting this on our forums specifically, I am trying to keep it on ED as I can supply most of the raid buffs and help players gear if needed.
If you are interested, contact me in-game via mail or whisper @Asiimov-Emerald Dream.