A HELMS ELITE 4/10 M lf ww + range

Guild & Server: (A) Whisperwind/Dentarg
Raid Times/Days: Tues(optional)/Wed/Thurs 7:30PM-9:45PM CST
Current Progression 10/10H 4/10M Castle Nathria Last Tier 10/11M Nyalotha
Recruitment Contacts: Battle Tag= sailrmoonkin#11855 DIscord Sailrmoonkin#6274
Wowprogress: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/whisperwind/Helms+Elite
RaiderIO: https://raider.io/guilds/us/whisperwind/Helms%20Elite
Requirements: some mythic raid Exp, good attitude, willingness to adapt learn and be a team player. And weekly mythic plus.
Needs: WW monk and 1-2 Rdps