[A] Hell Inc recruiting for Wrath
Hell Inc is a newly forming, semi-hardcore, guild focused on 25 man Wrath raiding. We are starting recruitment early and will ramp up as pre-patch gets closer.
Our officer team has been raiding since Vanilla/Original BC. Current mains are 14/14 phase 4.
Our Goals:
- Clear all content with a focus on efficiency while still having a good time.
- Not to completely min/max the fun out of the game.
- Create a stable and reliable raid team.
- Promote a positive relationship with the community on Pagle.
Raid Information:
- Our focus will be 25 mans while making room for 10’s based on progression and time.
- Raid days will be Tues/Thurs 7-11 server Sun 6-10 server (cleanup or 10 mans).
- May adjust slightly once recruitment is complete.
- Loot will be either EPGP or Loot Council based on guild feedback.
- Respect your guildmates, and others on the server.
- This included people’s time. We are aiming to be efficient.
- Show up consistently, on time, and prepared.
- This includes: Proper gearing (gems and enchants), consumables, being at the raid ready to pull on time not just logged on.
- Be able to take criticism and make consistent improvements.
As this is a new guild most roles/specs are open. Our planned roster is:
Blood DK - Filled
Frost DK x1
Unholy DK x1
Protection Paladin x1
Feral Cat with Bear OS x1
Ret Paladin x1
Enhancement Sham x1
Warrior x1 Rogue x2
Hunter x2
Mage x3 - 1 Filled
Balance Druid x1
Shadow Priest x1
Warlock x3 - 1 that will stay Demo all of Wrath
Holy Paladin x2
Resto Shaman x1
Resto Druid x1 - Filled
Dics Priest x1
We would like all melee DPS that can, to have a tank off-spec.
Please be aware that it will take some time to put together a new guild. We are starting early to give those who want to switch classes time to do so. Will be recruiting full force in pre-patch. Will be running multiple groups dungeon cleaving to get into raids ASAP.
- /who Hell Inc to be directed to an officer.
- In-game - MÅlek (GM) - Crackme (Officer) - Ämara (Officer)
- Discord - Ämara - krystleyez#3290
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Currently leveling up Feral Druid with Tank OS…
Question- are sundays required? Tuesday/Thursday I can do but Sundays will be hard with the family
Not planning to require it but will need to be fluid at first until things are settled. Hopefully Sundays will not be needed for 25 mans.
Here is an updated roster since they had to lock the original post because it kept deleting the guild name.
Blood DK - Filled
Frost DK x1
Unholy DK x1
Protection Paladin x1
Feral Cat with Bear OS x1
Ret Paladin x1 - Filled
Enhancement Shaman x1
Warrior x1
Rogue x2 (Combat/Assassination)
Hunter x2 (Marksman/Survival)
Mage x3 (Fire/Arcane) - 1 Filled
Balance Druid x1
Shadow Priest x1
Warlock x3 (At least 1 that will stay Demo all of Wrath/Affliction) -
Holy Paladin x2
Resto Shaman x1
Resto Druid x1 - Filled
Dics Priest x1
I’m a prot warrior with a holy paladin friend who are looking for a raid guild. I know prot warriors aren’t seen as the best but I cleared all content in original wrath on my prot warrior so thats something
You’re welcome to join. Our roster is not set is stone. We’re doing some TBC raids now and still getting ready for Wrath. Just send a message in game, anyone can invite.
HAI! come join our guild!!!
Hello! I am looking for a new raiding guild for Wrath. I had taken a break during phase 2, and I am not actively raiding at the moment beyond pugging 10 man content.
Mostly I am focused on preparing for WotLK. I am planning to main a DPS DK, can fill Warrior or Druid DPS spot as well.
You can find me on one of these characters if you would like to contact me in game: Komic / Komicbook / Comicbook
Thank you!
Still recruiting all roles, especially heals and tanks, getting ready for Wrath. Currently running weekly Kara and ZA runs. Will fit in 25 mans once we have enough people.
Currently looking for:
Ranged DPS - Warlocks (Demo/Aff), Shadow Priests
Heals - Resto Shaman, Resto Druids
Melee - Feral/Bear Druid
Raid days Tues/Thurs 7-11, Sun 6-10 as needed.
Currently running weekly Kara/ZA/Gruul Mag. Moving into SSC/TK to get some more gear before Wrath.
Whisper anyone in guild in game - Malek (GM), Holyholy (Raid leader), Amara and Moonstotem (Officers)
Discord: Kain#1972, Poag#8932
Currently looking for:
Ranged DPS - Shadow Priests
Heals - Resto Druids
Melee - Feral/Bear Druid
Raid days Tues/Thurs 7-11, Sun 6-10 as needed for progression in Wrath.
Currently running weekly Kara/ZA/Gruul Mag. Moving into SSC/TK to get some more gear before Wrath.
Whisper anyone in guild in game - Malek (GM), Holyholy (Raid leader), Amara and Moonstotem (Officers)
Discord: Kain#1972, Poag#8932
Currently looking for:
Ranges DPS - Shadow Priest, Mages, Hunters, Balance Druid.
Melee DPS - Enhance Shaman, DPS Warrior, UH DK.
Raid Days are Tues/Thurs 7-11, Sundays 6-10 as needed for progression.
Currently clearing 10 man content, just need a few more to knock out 25 mans.
Whisper anyone in guild in game - Kain (GM), Holyholy (Raid leader), Malarissa (Officer).
Discord: Kain#1972, Poag#8932
You guys still looking for warrior, mage, priest??
We are. Message anyone in game or on disc.
All content cleared. Still looking for a feral/bear druid.
Looking for a few more people.
Need a Resto Druid, Holy Paladin, Warlock, Hunter, and Shadow Priest.
Discord: Kain#1972, Poag#8932