Raid Times:
Saturdays & Sundays: 2-6pm Server Time (Eastern)
Current Progression:
10/10 Molten Core and 1/1 Onyxia
94.6% guild best average MC boss speed
classic.warcraftlogs /guild/rankings/482327/latest
We’re a group of top-end players that have come together through WoW over the years. Our leadership spans in experience from playing Classic on private servers for years to leading guilds to clear high-end content throughout every WoW expansion. Now that we are older and have families, careers, responsibilities, etc., we still want to play the game efficiently, but on a more convenient raiding schedule. If you want to show up, and you’re looking to clear content with good players without losing sleep before work the next day, this might be the place for you.
What We Expect:
- Actively work on your gear. Pre-Raid BIS is NOT optional. We are always running groups and helping each other gear up.
- Show up for raid ON TIME and communicate with us if you can’t.
- Leadership will be taking note of your playstyle and involvement in helping others.
- Participate in Discord Voice Chat.
We are always looking for competent players of ANY class, but we especially need:
Fury Warriors
Resto Druid
We will be using a fair and informed Loot Council system with an emphasis on gearing based on raid needs (i.e. tanks gear first), Best in Slot, performance, attendance, each raider’s personal preference, and player’s involvement.
In-Game Contacts:
Discord Contacts:
Still looking for solid players! Come join the best weekend guild on the biggest alliance server!
Looking for good fury warriors
Still looking for raiders! Particularly Warlocks and Fury Warriors!
I’m looking for a spot in either raids or endgame content. I have my pre-raid BIS, farming epic mount and leveling alts now
Still looking for a few more dedicated raiders! Currently need skilled fury warriors and warlocks!
Hey Chianti, thanks for replying to the thread. We are currently pretty stocked up on Hunters at the moment, but we appreciate your interest. You’re still welcome to check us out, but I think finding a spot for you will be really tough at the moment. Best of luck to you either way!
Still really short on warlocks!
Any open priest spots? I am looking for a weekend raiding guild on the earlier side. I am willing to transfer.
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Hello Squizzle Are you still looking for a guild?
We are still looking for more players! Healers, DPS and tanks.
We are heavily in need of Warlocks!
Come join a solid weekend raiding guild on US - Heartseeker! 
Premier weekend guild on server, great place to be for BWL!
bump! still looking for healers, warlocks and feral druid.
Looking to fill a few core spots heading into BWL. Interested in competent players willing to go above and beyond to perform at the top level.
Saturday 2pm - 6pm Eastern: BWL
Sunday 2pm - 6pm Eastern: MC / Ony
Will look to transition into 1 day full content clears as soon as possible.
We encourage the use of world buffs and full consumables.
Main Tank threat is super high.
2-3 Fury Warriors
2-3 Warlocks
1-2 Disc/Holy Priests
1-2 Holy Paladins
1 Fury Prot Off Tank
1 Feral Druid (DPS and/or Tank)
Discord: @Hotboxia#1720
Check us out on Warcraft Logs at Rewind - Heartseeker
Bump, still looking for healers, fury wars and feral druids
Still looking for 1 holy/disc priest, 1 holy paladin, 1 dps feral, 3+ fury warriors.