Guild Name: Destined Death
Guild Type: Semi-Hardcore HC Raiding
Raid times (subject to change): Thurs/Fri or Fri/Sat 8pm -12am est. An extra day or 2 if we feel
Recruitment Contacts: Zora#6981 (Discord)
Classes/Specs Recruiting: NEED ALL SPOTS. But specifically dedicated warrior tanks and dps, mages, warlocks, and pallys! Dedication>Everything else
Loot System: Thinking about doing an SR system with a mix of loot council
Requirements: Be knowledgeable about your class and enjoy pushing your performance (or willing to learn). Come to raid in prebis, and come with consumables + world buffs. If you don’t wish to raid then just bring chill and fun vibes, I’m sure plenty of people will be leveling alts after they hit 60 and raid log. NO HARDCORE ADDON NEEDED.