[A] Havoc DH (+Friends) LF Raid Guild

Hey All,

With Patch 8.3 coming out very soon it’s time for me to start looking around for a new guild as my current one has died out due to content draught, classic, and EP burnout.

A little about me:

  • Melee DPS (Havoc DH), however - I have no real logs from this tier as DPS as I was asked to tank on my Monk, but I mained DH from the start of Legion.
  • AOTC every patch, and 4/8M in EP before the guild took a break.
  • HoA level 70 on Monk and DH pretty early on into the patch
  • Prepared for Patch 8.3 AP Grind with Paragon Caches, Island Expedition Quests, and Treasure Maps.

Now the not so good part; I’m due to have an operation on my rotator cuff 2 weeks after the patch comes out, so I might be unable to raid for 2-4 weeks whilst it heals (I might be able to sit at a desk and raid, who knows at this point?). During this time I’ll probably still be able to login and do world quests etc but might not be able to raid - I want to, but we will have to see how painful it really is. Once it is healed I’ll be looking to come back with 100% attendance.

Ideally want to stay on Frostmourne Alliance and I’m free every night pretty much except Wednesday - I know a lot of guilds raid on this day and it makes it hard, but I would potentially be able to reshuffle things around for the right guild to make Wednesday work.

Additionally, I might have a few friends who I run M+ and raided with who may follow me over as Social/Bench players.

Thanks for reading my wall of text :).



Also have a Resto Shaman, Ret Paladin, and Hunter who would be potentially interested in raiding too.

Would ideally be looking at a Heroic -> Mythic guild, but are all OK with a AOTC guild as I’ll need to go MIA for a few weeks during recovery.

Wednesdays are free now due to a change in work after-hours too.

Hey there, I might have just the guild for you!

Standard nerds (Alliance, Nagrand Server) are a heroic only AOTC guild with a brilliant track record. Currently raid wed/mon nights 8-11pm server time (830-1130 during DST). Recruiting a tank/heals and dps that can OS.

Check out more from our post if interested:

Or hit me up for a chat. Samelian#1386

Would love to work something out.

Could have what you are after… send me a msg
[A] Frostmourne

Daemonic is a Herioc Raiding guild EP 8/8, Currently recruiting MDPS for Ny’alotha we raid Thurs/Mon 7.30-10.30 SVT, looking for dedicated players that enjoy progression raiding. please whisper me for more info

InGame: Shaunyt
Discord: Shaunyt#9095

If you along with what seems like 100s want to swap to horde to play fury. Hit us up.

Something Offensive
OCE - H - Barthilas

We are looking for all players to expand our Ranks.
We believe it’s not how you play the game, but rather who you play it with…
Looking for all active players to add to our family, and build a community.

Mythic raid
Raid time : Mon/Thurs 6.30-9.00pm server
(Note, queens court progression has been put on hold until after Christmas break. As some memebers are away on holiday. Will resume start of jan.)

Heroic raid (optional)
Full clear
Sunday 6:30 pm sever time

If you are looking to join our core raiding ranks note that the 20 slots are not reserved, they are for the players that prove themselvs not just by being good mechanically and having decent logs, but consistantly showing up, not being late and having a good attitude when things get tough.
Not one players spot is guaranteed and is always continually earned by merits.

However we do full clears of heroic everyweek (time is flexible) with lower guildies for gear, ap and just a bit of fun and banter.

Eventually If we get the numbers, we may even look into a second mythic raiding team
Also achievement, mount and transmog runs are done by some of us on weekends for those collectors/completists.

Most of us do keys almost every night of all ranges, starting at those that just want there weekly chest done for the loot and for those that want to push there I.o even higher and beyond we can help with that.

Pvp is something we are currently looking to expand on, no matter if your a sylvanis loyalist or part of the rebellion, we aim to give you a reason to fight once again.
In a game that’s supposedly dying, come create your own content with us
For The Horde!

Contacts :
Our recruitment officer below
usagi#6215 (bnet) or riisa#3859 (discord)


Can message/add me directly on Facebook

im also available on
Discord - Doraleous (warkeys)#5805
Bnet - Boss#1709

Hi there, Liladriah. Did you find yourself a home yet?

If you’re still looking, [A] Wipe It Up on Saurfang might be what you’re looking for. Our raid team is mainly comprised of ex-hardcore raiders who can no longer (or are unwilling to) keep up with the daunting schedule of full-time raiding.

Most of us have full time jobs, partners, kids, or some combination of responsibilities that keeps us from playing the game 24/7. We consider ourselves ‘casually hardcore’. We went 4/8M in Uldir, 4/8M in Dazar’Alor, and 4/8 in Eternal Palace.

We raid Wed-Thu 20:00 to 23:00 server time; and run mythic keys Monday and Friday nights. As well as pushing keys, we also run low level keys because everybody always has that alt they’re privately working on.

You can check us out on wipeitup dot net for a ten minute dive into our lifestyle and culture. Hit me up at Discord on Sky_Paladin#7635 or Bnet Malachiel#1815 if you like what you see.

Best of luck finding your new raid home!