Greetings, Emerald Dream!
Hallowed is a long standing guild on Emerald Dream. Created on 1/10/2006, we have seen the long history of our server.
We are recruiting fun, relaxed folks to liven up our guild chat!
We are currently a heroic raiding guild, but would like to move up to mythic. We are currently 7/12 on heroic and raid on Wed nights (8-10pm server) and Fri nights (8-11pm).
We have a very good base of 10-12 raiders and need some more friends to come have fun with us!
We like to push mythic keys and PVP as well. Come join us and have some great times with one of the oldest standing guilds on ED!
We have an entry in the in-game recruitment tool you can apply at or just start chatting up a member and they will get you to an officer.
You can contact me in game on Khovrinian or Malakrie.