[A, H][9/9H. 3/9M] <Infiniti> is recruiting! Semi-HC, Fri/Sat 10-1 ET

Late night raiding best raiding

B U M P!

need 1337 deeps plz

healers too please

Yeah, healers and DPS!!! Bump!

Sent a request. Aotc s1 resto/ele looking for a weekend spot. Also have s2 boomkin 9/9N, 8/9H

BM/Marks Hunter LF Weekend guild running during 9pm-2am EST which your times fit ideal in the timeframe. I have come back to WoW retail after a long hiatus, during that time I played TBC and Wrath classic where I was consistent in parsing 99s and running speed runs for clears on Sunwell, BT, and Naxxramas.

Skyefox#11896 is my ingame contact and btag

Bump, still need more peeps! Great healers and DPS reach out!

More healers! More DPS! preferably both

Starting Mythic Prog @ 10PM. come trial tonight.

Bump, just a few DPS slots left!

Need a few more DPS.

Bumpy bump for M O A R


We gud, you join


Still looking for dank DPS!

This is a post

Still need deeps!!! Message me!

A tank would work too so I can go be an augmentation evoker

More dps and a tank.

Bump for more, DPS or tank for flex would be good!

Beep beep I’m a jeep