Still need DPS in the guild!!
Sounds like a really cool guild.
Need DPS… Please join the guild.
Still looking for multiple DPS and a healer.
Still looking for multiple DPS and a healer.
More DPS!!!
Still looking for multiple DPS and a healer.
Bumpy bump. DPS!
Still looking for multiple DPS and a healer.
Still looking for multiple DPS and a healer.
Bump!! Still need D P S!
Seriously, where all the deeps at?
Still looking for multiple DPS and a healer.
Hey there, if you are still looking for a healer, i’m a hpal. i’m looking for a solid group and your times would be perfect for me. my tag is wooly#11148. i will send you a request. i do have experience on all bosses currently on heroic.
Still looking for multiple DPS and a healer.
Still looking for multiple DPS and a healer.
Still need DPS and some healies! Pst me!
Still looking for multiple DPS and a healer.
Getting Ready for 10.1 rounding out our core need some DPS and a Healer
would love to raid with you guys with one of my alts problem is the schedule those days im usually off because social life random stuff, but if im on i can help your guild if you need to.
this is my battle tag:
Discord: Liffuvir#8885
Dh all specs 2400 io Random kills here and there
Lock all specs 2600 io 8/8 H
Pally all specs 2600 io 8/8 H
Bump for more! 10.1 soon, still need some great DPS and a few heals!