[A-H-RP-PvP] The Scarlet Reclamation - THE OLD CRUSADE

I was in this guild for a time, I was in other Scarlet guilds as well.

During my stay on Moon Guard, I thought it good to bring villainous RP to people who wanted it for their events, storylines, and such. The Scarlets are a reliable villain (when not shoehorned into Saturday morning cartoon villains) during this time of truce, and I enjoy playing a villain people can have a common goal against. My enjoyment as such stems from nothing more than my time as a Dungeon Master / Game Master for tabletop roleplaying games.

This guild is - in my opinion and experience - one of the most poorly run debacles I’ve ever bared witness to.

Members are brought in without so much as an interview, vetting process, or second thought. This creates a cesspool of people who treat others poorly or people who have no idea what’s going on or who’s who. Events are haphazardly planned and mass invites are sent out for “based scarlet RP” when event times roll around. Events which I’ve attended as The Scarlet Rec uses its own dice system, and events that Kormed will abandon with little explanation - if he shows up at all - to let other senior members lead.

Regular gatherings occur in the Stormwind Cathedral without so much as an ounce of subtlety and disregard for roleplayers around them as members - even high ranking officers - break into poor jokes or ((ooc arguments)) that sully anyone’s opinion of them, leading to whispers and harassment of members that may have done nothing wrong at all.

The Scarlet Crusade, as a whole, is made of many guilds that converse with one another; even going so far as to network. This guild is blacklisted by them - from Saidanite purists to “old crusader” types with high elves and dwarves (as seen in the Hall of Champions in the Monastery), even those of the Scarlet Brotherhood that use Worgen in their ranks as fodder for the enemies of the Light.

I’ve witnessed smack talk about other Scarlet Guilds; calling them dead or irrelevant while I was in this one - because I’m the one that let the other guilds know about it after this guild offered a false olive branch of community and working together.

Leadership disappears for extended periods - without word or warning, without plan or consideration for players and the schedules they live by outside of the game, only to come back like nothing happened. I’ve seen an exodus or two of members breaking off to create other Scarlet Guilds - ones that communicated and tried to foster what it means to be a guild and community of players wanting to explore a theme in their roleplay.

So Kormed - I write this honest review of my experiences here so perhaps you may have a wake-up call when it comes to leading and learn to manage your officers and respect the time others wish to put into their roleplay. Maybe it won’t. Either way, if you take the time to read this, know that I have offered my advice several times when I was in your guild as Deacon J. Elmric. So I give you this advice as Thokk Sharpfang of Wyrmrest Accord:

Get off my ship.