[A/H RP Event] 2nd Annual Byltan 🌺

The Silver Circle proudly shares its time with the Kalimdor United Community in honoring Byltan, a holiday on the Elunarian Calendar meant to celebrate life, renewal, and springtime. This holiday celebration includes songs, poetry, stories, and a ceremonial planting of trees to celebrate life and renewal.

This is traditionally a Kaldorei event, so we ask that folks be respectful of Kaldorei traditions and practices. We will be intertwining our stories with the various parts of the events planned, and our stories should share the theme of growth and renewal, whether your own, or a cultural story/wise tale/etc.

You are not required to bring a story to tell, but it is advised that if you do, it is prepared and ready to go by the date of the event.

The event is scheduled for Saturday, May 25, 2019 at the Shrine of Remulos in Moonglade with a formal beginning at 5:00 PM Server, though guests are encouraged to gather ahead of time.

5:00 PM: Maeshkin Darksong and Kelanthos Ivyfang will begin the evening with an introductory speech and greeting to all guests. Story time will begin immediately once everyone is settled around the Shrine.

6:00 PM: Y’fayelle Lunadoe will lead a Tree Planting Ceremony to honor the spring time. It is recommended that if you wish to participate, to bring a Winter Blossom Sapling, Spring Blossom Sapling, or an Autumn Blossom Sapling from the Sunsong Ranch in Pandaria, if you wish to join in.

7:00 PM: Allaria Rainsong will be leading a Ritual of Renewal just south of the Shrine of Remulos to cleanse our spirits and minds for the upcoming year.

8:00 PM: Kelanthos Ivyfang will be leading the Drinking Competition. Top rewards include a Spirit of Spring and several tiers Gold Prizes!

Should each event not run short of their hour slot, story-telling is highly encouraged to continue.

Guests of all races, Horde or Alliance are encouraged to attend!

OOC Miscellaneous Information:
As this event is neutral, we highly recommend having at least 4 [Elixir of Tongues] on hand to be able to enjoy the full scope of RP being offered by both factions!

Leaders of the Event, Maeshkin, Kelanthos, Lunadoe, and Allaria will be providing [Elixir of Tongues] to Alliance Side Members.

We will also be making accommodations for those Hordeside.


I’m looking forward to this!


Byltan! :sunflower::seedling::cherry_blossom::honeybee:


This should be fun! :elf::seedling:


I’m very excited for this holiday event, and I’m especially thrilled we get to share it with Kalimdor United’s storytelling event this year!

I look forward to hearing all of the amazing stories that will be shared, and celebrating Spring with casual holiday RP! :tulip::full_moon_with_face:


Next weekend!


This event is tomorrow night! Prepare your seeds and stories! :evergreen_tree: :sunflower:


Less than 4 hours away! LET’S GET OUR BYLTAN ON!


Don’t forget your Elixir of Tongues!

This event was amazing! The lessons and activities were a pleasant window into Kaldorei culture and I’m glad I got to see so many intriguing characters interact in that setting. Thank you to all who helped plan and host the event!