Are you looking for new friends or a new guild to call home? Look no further, Deities and Demigods wants YOU!
Casual guild that runs M+, Sat H/N raid and some social events like movie nights. Our members balance gaming with job and family responsibilities. Be 21 or older and polite, LGBTQ inclusive.
The guild is a safe place to be yourself and get away from the stresses of the real world. We like to have fun and help each other achieve in game goals. (Both alliance and horde accepted).
We do keys from 2-10 organically most days.
We run a key night every other week for those who want to try a key, those that want to play an alt and those that want to try a new role. These keys are 0-4.
Saturday is our raid night. 7pm server (8p est). Tanks are solid but having an off spec of dps, heals or tank is wonderful. We will run normal until down and then heroic progress. While heroic progressing, normal will be the last Saturday of each month.
We have an active discord. It is only mandatory for raid or pushing higher keys. You don’t have to talk, only listen.
Apply via guild finder in game. If you are Horde, search for the Deities and Demigods community. There will be an invite link in the chat.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and we look forward to adding you to our amazing guild.
Like Zakk said we help people in-game. Tonight we are helping people run Mythics and Mythic+ for the weekly.
If you are a new or returning player or just looking for the right fit, come try us out. Whisper us in-game and we will help you out!
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If you’re looking for a group of mature, pleasant grownups (questionable tastes in humor of course) with normal jobs to game with, this is a great fit. We spend most weekdays on our lovely discord server entertaining each other. It’s a great way to wake up every morning.
A few of us also hang out in game while WFH doing the same.
If you’re looking to make friends and hangout watching movies regularly in addition to raiding and gaming, we’d love to have you.
We have a great low thirst server with plenty of raunchy memes and dad jokes.
Our first raid night is this Saturday. Come work on getting your awakened raid mount before War Within!
We have been running keys daily.
Check us out 
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First awakened raid completed looking forward to our next! Come join us!
What are your plans for TWW? Casual raid or trying AOTC? Will the sat raid stay the same? last question do you accept cross servers now since it will be chaning next month?
We plan to keep our normal raid night on Saturdays (might do a few heroic bosses on that night too).
Also, we are planning to have a heroic progression night. We haven’t decided which night this will run.
Horde are welcome to join the guild.
We are still searching for AMAZING people to join us! We are seeking members age 30+, for weekend raiding, nightly keys and who just enjoy being social.
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This guild has an amazing atmosphere to relax and game in if you’re looking for casual PVE and non-role players. It’s exactly what I was looking for: an active discord server and guildchat during the day while I half game and half WFH. The core has been gaming in WoW together for years with no breaks even at the end of patches. Every week, we’ve been online raiding and running keys. This is not a guild that goes inactive. You may! But we’ll be here when you resub.
We have a nice little collection of military veterans from a few different branches. There’s also a couple of librarians, writers, and even an editor. Clearly, we have all sorts and are very inclusive especially in terms of lgbtq members and allies. I will say while we all have an aggressively adult sense of humor and places to post those nsfw memes, the server is low thirst and a safe place for couples.
We like to hang out with each other out of game too. Personally, I am always looking to make new friends who will watch movies with me, especially horror.
Reach out at anytime in game with questions. This is my main.
We plan to keep running the awakened raids until the new xpac to get as many people the mount as possible. (not to mention gear for folks who are returning for the xpac).
We have an amazing core group and have added some awesome people to the guild.
If you are looking for a new home, check us out.
Good bunch of folks! Bumpity!
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I like it here, so I’m gonna bump too!
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They’re fun folks! Bumpity!
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I’m interested in joining i will try to reach out to you guys later!
Awesome Tauriel!
You can apply via guild finder. We are under the dungeon category. Make sure to list your favorite pizza toppings…even pineapple is ok 
Aberrus normal down. More folks got the awakened raid mount. We will continue to run the raids each week to ensure everyone gets that raid mount.
Yeah no denying someone because of a character name seems a little funny mgur . com/zUjCFlq great leadership surely and very mature
I’m sorry it didn’t work out for you Tauriel. Good luck to you in the future.
If anyone is looking for a non-rp, non-erp guild filled with folks in their 30s-50s who simply enjoy PVE and hanging out together after work or even while working this is a lovely guild. Sure we have a nsfw meme chan and our chats are not family-friendly, but it’s definitely not a lewd focused guild. The mood is low-thirst and completely comfortable for couples or otherwise attached people looking to avoid a thirsty atmosphere.
We have about 20-25 people for raid on Saturday nights even at the end of patch. We had 7 for movie night last night!
Keys get run pretty much every day in the evenings in the 2-7 range. We’re lucky that our main and off tanks love M+. There’s a handful that run 8-10s but that is definitely not everyday rn. The MT loves teaching people new to M+ mechanics and is very patient. No one’s going to tea bag your corpse if you mess up.
You guys alt friendly? My warband of 4 might be interested.