A/H - Looking for guilds / RP

Hi everyone!

So, I’ve been playing on WrA for the past 5 years and, well, I don’t feel like I fit in well there these days. So I’m server shopping, I guess you could say.

I’m a casual player, mainly like to roleplay, but would enjoy raiding on a casual basis as well. So with that in mind, I’m looking for active guilds that do either and possibly new friends to make.

Any recommendations?

Looking for the updated guilds of ed link. Will post it in here when i find it

Salty sea doggos and warbringer are the only 2 guilds that pve i can think of tbh

spreadsheed of guilds that did a survey tinyurl. com/ EDguildsSS (remove spaces)

There are other guilds under the radar that do pve seriously: Mythically Mediocre, Chocolate Milk and others that tackle mythic, heroic and normal raiding.

Aye yes they do but he also mentioned RP and they seem anti RP most of the time.

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Horde side has a once a week raid on.konday nights that is open to horde rp folks that dont have a guild raid team, as well

You’re right, that totally slipped my attention.

Damn need my Monday coffee…

Err i mean ale. Cuz I’m a dorf and always drinking…heh.


There’s a lot of great guilds to choose from - check out this guild listing to get a feel for the types of activities/themes/sizes for the respective guilds.

Also come into the Alliance and Horde RP Discords! Lots of great people there you can talk to and connect with to decide which groups you best mesh with.

Alliance RP Discord - https://discord.gg/9kjuD6P

Horde RP Discord - https://discord.gg/CmRHmE8