Heya. Simple information up top, detailed explanation on the bottom.
GETMAD#1761 – Battlenet
GETMAD#2054 – Discord
There are spaces in the links at the very first character so I can link what I need to.
Looking for a guild
-No weekends! Sorry
-Any time monday-thursday. I might try friday if the fit is great!
-Would love a two-night raiding guilds, okay with three if needed.
-3/8M killed, 4/8M experience
-Logs; h ttps://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/emerald-dream/andstill#partition=1
-RaiderIO; h ttps://raider.io/characters/us/emerald-dream/Andstill
Warlock: h ttps://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/emerald-dream/Andstill
Priest: h ttps://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/emerald-dream/Helped
Love playing both. I haven’t been extremely active for the past few months, I’ve primarily just been grinding out PvP on my priest while I search for a new home.
All the fun details!
I get at a glance the performance and what my current neck/item level is at would make a lot of people look away, and I respect that – gotta look out for the best for your guild, etcetc
I haven’t played my warlock probably since my guild killed zek’voz on October 5th. So what you see on my warlock is the state of her back on the 5th. While the performance and logs are low, I have a big ol’ explanation.
I lead a guild called A Group of Good Friends. You can find said guild here;
h ttps://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/emerald-dream/A+Group+of+Good+Friends
Originally, we were known as Persistent on Emerald Dream and we went 7/7m 3/3m and 8/10M in Nighthold, before disbanding in ToS because of the pure grind. So many people decided to take a break and it just wasn’t worth rebuilding to try and continue raiding. I want to say our numbers were down to 14? And at that time, enough people in the remaining group wanted to go on their own way for the remainder of Legion so we all just agreed to stay friends and disband.
We re-formed for BfA under the new name. Things were going great! We had about ~12 of the original members with a lot of casual/socials from the original guild just hanging out. However, back in September I had an amazing opportunity come up that would involve me having to move across the country for work. I had to quit so I could focus on my real life and when I got established here the entire guild essentially fell apart. I’m still friends with more than half of the people that were on the roster but no one wanted to step up and take over as a raid leader and as a guild leader. Is what it is!
When I came back, I didn’t have a good place to fit in with any of the guilds on my server. One of my other friends RL made the convincing argument that I now had a legit opportunity to abandon alliance and come horde and raid with him as we found a guild, but shortly after finding said guild (I mean not even a week into it) he completely quit. I didn’t even bother transferring at that point, the entire situation has been hairy.
So I stayed horde on my warlock and played on my priest just to level her up and have fun. I haven’t done anything serious on any of them, I’ve just been relaxing, grinding world quests on my priest and PvPing in my space time while I tried to either find a new game or a new hobby.
I miss raiding in WoW. The raid leading and guild leading? It seems nice to take a break from it and just focus on being a raider. (This is where a part of my performance is lacking – being one of the only recruiters and doing every call out and doing a lot of the strategy when raiding made me suffer a little bit, unfortunately.)
8.2 has my extremely hyped, and that’s not counting the new raid. I definitely don’t want to just pole vault into a random guild and find out I hate it during the new raid hype and the 8.2 hype I have, so I’d like to shop around and talk to some people who may be interested.
I also have some clips of my raid leading if people want to get a feel for what kind of a person I am. Not ragey, I can definitely take over doing certain call outs if a guild is troubled in that area, if that makes sense. Idk. I’m friendly and I like raiding seriously. The goal is always cutting edge. Hit me up if you want to talk!