[A] [Grumpy Old Farts] Pagle

Grumpy Old Farts offers a Relaxed Environment and mandatory nap times! LF Millennials, Gen X’ers and Boomers or the Old at heart. Focus is on Quests, dungeons and Accomplishments…Pst for more info or to join the servers only Chronologically Gifted guild.

We are an alliance guild on Pagle. Although Raiding might become an option it is not our focus. If your looking for the confines of fun away from the time tables of raiding and schedules than please contact anyone from our guild.


Scugog, Gogger

See you online Grumps

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Sounds good! Are y’all on ERA or Cata?

Cata classic

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if MOP classic happens will you be moving into that?

I’m new but sounds like you’d be the right group for me - I’m on Pagle Cata Classic. How would I get ahold of you?

yes…we’ll be in for MOP

do a /who Grumpy and anyone in the guild can guild you

Are you or planning to raid?