A medium-sized group of long-time friends have gotten tired of pugging and refilling to account for the fact that Blizzard has designed the raids for groups bigger than us. All of us can play the actual game decently well, but some guildies left in BfA and the roster boss has been hard to overcome.
All of us are generally in the 393-403 ilevel range and have cleared 9/9N 3/9H in BoD. We all run a ton of M+ and clear several +9 to +11 keys each week. What we’re looking for is an AOTC-focused semi-casual weekend raiding guild that runs something Saturday between 8:30pm and 12 midnight Eastern or Sunday in the 7pm to 11pm Eastern window (or both - both is better!)
In either of those windows, you would be able to reliably get 7-8 of us on time with consumables ready to kill bosses. Our folks raid and do M+ keys on characters with these specs (each line is one person):
Guardian Druid/Resto Shaman every night (this is me)
BM Hunter/Resto Druid every night
Frost Death Knight on Weekends
Resto Druid on Weekends
Holy/Ret Paladin on nights/Weekends
Frost Mage on almost every night
MW Monk/Shadow Priest on Weekends
Disc/Shadow Priest on most nights and Weekends
Assassin Rogue with an erratic schedule
Outlaw Rogue/Frost Mage on Weekends
Survival Hunter on Weekends
As you can see, we are pretty much limited to weekend raiding due to schedules… We work full-time and have families, and can’t be Tuesday/Thursday raiders anymore. Every one of us is willing to be flexible and play alt roles or sit out if there are already too many healers or tanks in your raid. We can listen and follow instructions, and are willing to eat the wipes on progression like the old days in Burning Crusade.
So weekend guild recruiters, if you’re interested in talking about us possibly running joint raids to fill out your group or maybe even moving server to join your guild, come find me in-game at morgado01#1174. If you made it this far, thanks for reading.