[A] Group of Friends LFG for SL!

Hey all!

A group of friends and I are looking for a place to call home for Shadowlands. We are a very chill group of people who are heavily interested in pushing M+ as well as raid progression. In BFA we were forced to look for already made Heroic and Mythic raid groups, where ideally the guild we are in would be focused on succeeding in this type of content.

Above all else, we just want some really chill and genuine people to enjoy this game with! We aren’t looking for a hardcore guild that takes things too seriously. Let’s just have a good time and enjoy ourselves!

We are also potentially willing to server transfer for the perfect situation!

Would be happy to chat if you have any questions!

Much love!

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Hey Genuineguy - We have some spots open for Shadowlands, maybe we are what you are looking for! Check out our goals and shoot us a message if they match up with yours. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/a-dalaran-cereal-killers-recruiting-for-shadowlands/616433

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Hey there, Genuineguy <3! I’ll post a little snippet of our guild, and if we’re not the choice for you, I hope you find a guild that suits you well :smiley:
<Øminous Latin Name> is a casual progression raid focused guild, that transferred from Horde to Ally on Sargeras, along with M+ and some PvP! Fun environment, and of course drama free. We’re a Discord active community and actively looking to build our core raiding team, as we are pushing into Mythic, and preparing for Shadowlands.
Schedule [all times are EST]
Raid: Friday/Saturday 7pm-10pm [12/12 H]
Mythic Plus: Everyday
Interested in joining us? Contact Lebron on Bnet: [RoscoeStache#1797] or Caleb [thesleeper#11618] to learn more.
Thank you!

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Hey Genuine,

[Arise] Reforming for Shadowlands. We are located on Tichondrius. Our core has been formed through longtime friendships which has always been the foundation of our guild. Our goal is set on mythic progression with intention of pushing CE. We’re an extremely close group of people that are always willing to help out with whatever you need to be successful in the guild. We also like to occasionally spam M+ outside of raid times for gearing fellow guild members. Our core is made up of positive individuals who strive to push the guild in a path towards CE.

Current Recruitment Needs:

<Range: All Classes

<Melee: All Classes

<Tank: All Classes

<Healer: All Classes

(Even if your class isn’t specifically listed above, we encourage you to apply or contact the recruiter anyways. We are a progression guild after all and we will always consider exceptional players)

Raid Schedule :
Wednesday: 8:00pm - 11:00pm PST
Friday: 8:00pm - 11:00pm PST

Prior Achievements: 6/9M 9/9H BoD 2/2H CoS

General requirements include:

Mature players (Preferably 21+)
-Positive attitude towards every situation.
-Ability to adapt and overcome.
-Desire and passion to get better each and every night with the intention of achieving personal goals/guild goals.
-Ability to use Discord and have a working mic.
-Ability to frequently check up on our discord for updates on raid strategies and other general guild information.

We understand real life takes priority so a simple heads up to the GM or an officer will suffice. If you cannot keep a raid attendance of 90%, then this guild might not be the right fit for you.

Please Join our Discord for more information and to submit Application.

Feel free to contact us with any questions:
Kostadine- Kostadine#1413
Enkazil- Enkazil#1407

Kostadine - Kosta#8757
Enkazil - Enkazil#7836

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Horde - Choices - Bleeding Hollow

Tuesday & Thursdays 9:00PM-12:00AM (Midnight) EST | 6 Hours total


We are a Guild that is currently forming for Shadowlands with the intention of creating an environment that is relaxed and fun, while pushing content at a efficient rate to achieve CE each tier.

Our Players & Goals

We consist of players who either have a CE or two under their belt, or have a solid history of Mythic raiding. We are looking for people of similar background. We won’t be pushing top 1000 world right off the bat, but we hope to find ourselves somewhere between 1500-2000 World in 9.0.

  • We are being built on a solid foundation of structure and accountability.
  • Establish expectations, goals and standards for the guild.
  • Provide clear and transparent communication.

What We Look For

  • Positive attitude towards raiding
  • History of Mythic Raiding or high end play
  • Drive to improve their play
  • Players who want to be apart of the guild and it’s community
  • Prepared with consumables, addons, gear and fight knowledge

If you are interested and have more questions or want to apply, please contact Tolias.

  • Discord: Tolias#2223
  • Bnet: Tolias#11911

Thank you for taking the time to read our post! Have a good one.

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General Info:
Downpour is a newly formed guild from a group of friends Looking to push shadowlands mythic raid on a two night a week schedule. we also actively push mythic plus keys weekly, and are putting together mythic plus teams for shadowlands as well. We’re currently looking for like minded people to help build a great community to log on to and play with at a higher level of difficulty.

Raid days/Times:
Tuesday 10PM-1Am EST
Wednesday 10PM-1AM EST

Currently Recruiting:

But we do encourage People of classes and roles not listed to Reach out and contact us if interested

Contact Info:
Guild Master-Bryan#1177
Raid Leader-Ridgenesss#1404
Mythic Plus Lead-Rainborn#1744

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Hey there Genuine! Are you bored with not dying all the time? Then join Optimal Baddies and find yourself so engrossed in guild chat that you’ll be running off cliffs and pulling 20 mobs at once in no time! Recommended by 4 out of 5 Spirit Healers.

Jokes aside we are a semi hardcore raiding guild looking to clear heroic and mythic.

Raid times are as follows.

Monday - 8PM-10:00PM EST
Tuesday - 8PM-10:00PM EST

If interested please reach out to one of us!
Bnet - Goldfish#1198
Discord - Goldfish#7851

Bnet - Ninjaspace#1577
Discord -ninjaXpope#0788

Bnet - megaFly#11904
Discord - megaFly06#6053

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Hey there Genuineguy, our Heroic team is recruiting healers and dps, and could fit you and your friends in without any issues. Check us out and let me know if you have any questions!

Who we are:

Disorientated is an Alliance guild on Stormrage. Our Mythic raid team is currently 6/12 Mythic, and are currently working on Ra’den progression. Our Heroic raid team is 12/12 Heroic and is recruiting for Shadowlands. Both teams focus on quality over quantity in terms of its raiders.

Our goals:

Our goals are simple. We strive to progress as far as possible while having fun. This is a game after all, and we want to be a place where you can unwind and forget the day. With that in mind, we do not like drama and strive to keep it out of the guild. On off nights we have a blast doing M+ and some PvP. During raids we joke around and have a good time during trash, but when it is time to pull the boss, it is business.

About the raid teams:

Mythic Team:

The current raid days and times are Tuesday and Wednesday from 7pm – 10pm EST. In Shadowlands, a third night will be added for progression, though the day is not set yet. This team is almost full, but we do want to have a few good people in the “bullpen”. Bullpen members will be rotated in to ensure everyone gets to experience the content.

Heroic Team:

The current raid days and time are Tuesday and Friday from 8pm - 11pm EST. We are currently recruiting for healers and dps for this team. Team size will end up being around 15-20 to allow for flex when people are out.

Contact Info:

We can be reached on B-net at Ryouice#11303 (me, GM), Ksir37#1289 (Ferwin, Heroic Raid Leader) or Zhredder #1995 (Battleyoshi, Mythic Raid Leader). You can also hop in our Discord at h ttps://discord.gg/c8yvzvu.

Note: during the day we have limited access to Discord, so please be patient. Feel free to chat with anyone who may be on at the time until one of us gets on.

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Thank you for all the replies y’all!

Just an update, a couple of the guys have toons on Stormrage already, so this server would be preferable!

Feel free to contact me on Discord at AyeMorale(Genuine)#0527.

Hope to speak to you soon!

Good morning to all! If You guys would be willing to swap to emerald Dream-alliance, our guild junction would love to have you!
We are 12/12H looking to tackle some mythic bosses before prepatch hits and progress in SL! There’s plenty to do in our guild, whether it’s pvp, mythic +, raids, transmog runs, or just socialize! I’ll post the guild info below and feel free to message me!

About Junction:

We are rebuilding the guild with a group of friends both old and new! We are looking for players with the drive and the passion to push themselves to be the best.

What you can expect from us as a guild:

  • A sense of community and direction!
  • Communication!
  • Strong & passionate leadership!
  • Overall friendly environment suited for all skill levels!

Currently, a majority of the raid team is AOTC, some with mythic experience . We are looking for more members that would like to venture into mythic raiding. More specifically, we’re looking for the following;

  • Dedicated main and off tank (melee DPS that wouldn’t mind swapping if needed)
  • 1 core healer, as well as an off healer.
  • any DPS
    While we’re happy to accept anyone, these are the roles we need specifically for our raid team at the moment. Current raid times are Tuesday/Thursday 9p-12a EST (subject to change)

We also do the following:

  • PvP (BGs and Arenas)
  • Mythic+ Pushing (+16’s and higher)
  • Achievement Runs
  • Old Raid Transmog Runs
  • Alt Levelling

How to apply:
If you would like to apply and have any further inquiries/questions, please reach out to me via BattleTag: Professoroak#1732 or Discord: Elitefourlance#5703

We appreciate your time and interest. Hope to hear from you soon!

Hi there! The Tavern is looking for more members! We just made our guild, and are looking to do raiding and mythic + and try anything else shadowlands has to offer us. We’re a group that are returning players,veterans and newbies!

Hello Genuine :slight_smile:

Heartbreakers is a friendly Heroic/Mythic Raiding guild. Our goal for every raid tier is to have AOTC and some Mythic boss progression whilst maintaining a positive, fun, welcoming and friendly atmosphere.

Our raid team progression and raid days/times are as follows:

12/12H 10/12M

Weekday Mythic Raid (10/12M)
(Tuesday/Thursday 9pm to 12am EST)

Weekend Mythic Raid (5/12M)
(Friday 9:30pm EST-12:30am EST)

Casual Heroic Raid
(Wednesday 9pm to 12pm, Saturdays 630pm to 930pm EST)

We’re looking for dependable players with good attitudes. Both raiders and casual players alike. We want players who are looking for a long term guild to call home and enjoy both the game content and the social aspect of the game.

General Recruitment:

We currently are under open recruitment for casual heroic raiders. We area always accepting new players for five man content and leveling.

Core Raid
There are no current spots available for the Core Raid. We will always consider highly qualified candidates especially as we gear up towards a CE push towards the end of this tier and/or the beginning of Shadowlands.

Weekend Mythic Raid Team
Formed 6/8/20. Under open recruitment.465+ ilvl with or working on the correct essences. Please expect to continue to work to cap out your corruption resistance. Mythic is never really casual.You need to be working to maximize your character and improve your own play. Personal accountability and a drive to do better is a must.

Tanks: (2-3)

Healers (4-5)

rDPS (7): Need a lock and immunities (hunters/mages). All are welcome.

mDPS (6)

BNet contact information:
Add yrreg (recruitment officer) yrreg4791#1858 and/or
Zakyria (Weekend Mythic Raid lead) Zakytor#1336
Pummels (Weekday Mythic Raid lead) aminshall12#1819

[H] Autonomy - Spinebreaker
Raid times - (Main Raid)Tues/Wed 730pm pst - 930pm pst
Friday RBG 730pm pst
Saturday Alt/Trial/social Large Raid 25+ 730pm pst - 1030pm pst
Sunday Transmog RUNs

Progression -
Nyloth 10/12M 12/12H
EP 4/8M 8/8H 8/8N

Looking for quality raiders! We have an updated roster on discord.
All of our raiders have the same vision in progression we get work done within our 2 hour raid window.

We are a friendly casual guild. Stress/drama free environment. No loot qqers/big egos or favoritism here.

We run keys/alt runs through out the week!

We have an off-realm community of over 100 players.

We have a 25+man Saturday (Optional) which consist of Veteran/Newer raiders. 730pm pst -1030pm. That is 12/12 Nylotha which is considered our alt/casual raider run/trial run!

Please be able to make Tues/Wed raid times if you plan on raiding with us.

Recruiting for Tues/Wed 730pm pst - 930pm pst, our saturday raid group, as well as anyone who wants to join us for PVP, and M+. Many of our players are over 3k raider.io and are willing to push keys all the time!
Looking for all capable players to join us to bolster our roster. We are looking to start strong into Shadowlands, with CE in mind.
What we’re looking for at least 1 of the following for our progression group:
1)Mythic Experience with logs.
2)High Raider IO (3k+ These players tend to do extremely well in a raid environment.)
3)Heroic Overall on full clear purple+ parse for dps
msg me and we can chat!
Disc- Melo#9847
Btag- Melo#11244

Our Guild is called Jungle Juice on Bleeding Hollow. our guild is only several months old and we are now 4/12 mythic. everyone in our guild is pretty cool. Our raid atmosphere is lighthearted and focused. honestly what you are looking for sounds alot like us. if you have questions on the logistics HMU Jacby#1536