[A] Group of 9 friends seeking guild

Hey all,

I’m with a group of 9 long time friends that just transferred from Benediction after switching from retail. We want to see raid content in Wrath as a group but don’t want the hassle of starting a guild and everything that goes with it so we are looking for a casual guild that fits our playstyle/humor. We range from people who are playing their first WoW characters to long time raiders and prioritize helping each other out and just having a good time goofing off and BSing in Discord. We are not looking to take any raid spots, fine running our own 10 man runs with alts from the guild or whoever wants to join (I think they added flex raiding in Wrath?).

If you have a casual, fun guild that places value on having fun, helping each other with content, and ultimately seeing raids (not looking for hardcore world firsts here!) please ping me in game (Supplebum or Soggyflaps) or reply here and we can chat. Thanks!


I am a member of the guild Semper Integritas on Pagle server. We are a group of adults who have been playing wow for many years and love all aspects of the game. We are not a hard core guild but we do enjoy end game content and try to include all guildies that are interested in raiding. We also have folks that just like to quest and join in guild chat for a more social aspect. We currently do Hyjal/BT each week and are preparing for Wrath content in a few short weeks. We laugh and have fun but choose to be respectful of the raid leaders while raiding and turn comms over to them in order to have a successful experience. Our guildies are our online family and we are always respectful and fair with each other in all aspects including rotating everyone in for raids and distributing loot for the greater good of the raiding team. For more information, please check us out on our discord or message: Peppreeka/Breelie (myself) or Claymike/Mikelion (our GM) in game.


Axe Den is a group of friends that created a guild for Semi-Hardcore raiding in Wrath. We are currently bolstering the ranks to achieve 25m. We have a core group of 10 friends who have played WoW (and many other games) together for 10 years! We all have extensive raid experience, heroics/hardmode (Cutting Edge in retail), etc.

We would love to talk to you guys about your goals for Wrath and potentially linking up with us to achieve them!

Hit me up on Battle.net or Discord if you guys are interested!

BNET : AndyBurnsRed#1220
Discord : AndyBurnsRed#4217


<Offline> on Pagle-US is a closely-bonded guild of experienced players who have been raiding together for years. We are currently on hiatus until WotLK, but we are recruiting all classes and roles in preparation for the expansion.

Our progression is 5/5 MH and 9/9 BT. We will raid 2 nights a week at 9:00PM - 12:00AM EST, Wednesday and Thursday. We use an EPGP loot system to distribute gear. We are an affable semi-casual raiding guild who understand things like work, family, pets and events take priority over the game. We are looking for like minded players who would like to join us in having fun progressing through this nostalgic content.

If you have any questions about or would like to apply, please contact please contact Niceperson, Seitekii, Gnosës, Healgazm, Xarxes, or Magìkarp in-game.

We wish you the best of luck in your guild search!

Hey there. If you’re still looking for a home, we are always looking for members. If you wanted to raid, while our 2 raid teams can accommodate 9 new members, we are more than happy to help facilitate a 3rd raid team for you and your friends. If you’d like to know more, feel free to reach out to me or join our discord:
BNET: Melyodas#11578
Discord: Melyodas#4989


Hi Supple,
Some friends and I have recently formed a guild. We are focusing 10man progression right now. We are hoping to eventually recruit enough for 25 man raiding.
We are a semi-hardcore group. Most of us have alts that we play. We are not pushing for any records. We just plan on showing up, downing bosses and having a good time.

If you would like to join us and raid with your own group of people. We would love to have you. We could potentially fill your empty roles if needed.
Feel free to add me on Bnet (Vayden#11434) or Discord (Vayden#2654)

Hi. I’m the GM of The Way of Knowledge and we have several available openings! We could use some folks who don’t mind being on rotation/filling for others. In terms of immediate openings, we need an OT(bear or DK), healer(shaman) and several ranged dps(everything but mage) for our main roster; if any of you like to raid full time and don’t mind a semi hc setting.Main raids are TU/TH 830-1130 EST. We also have optional alt raids and 10 man runs on Saturdays for more casual players. If our situation sounds appealing to you guys, feel free to add me on discord! Kjraider#6081

Hey there! We run a 25 man guild called Pineapple! We would be open to have all of you join with the intent of running your own team. We would also help you recruit whatever is needed for your team. We would also support the options of making a new 25 man team and helping you recruit for it! If your interested let me know! In game Kalissia or Saleitem ! GL!