[A] Group Looking for Guild

Group of Adult friends looking for a guild 18+ for TWW for Raiding and other content.

We plan to play the following:
Holy Priest
Prot Pally
Aug Evoker
Havoc DH

We are looking for ideally 2 nights a week to raid Heroic/Mythic we’d like to see what we can do. We all have raid and M+ experince. Just trying to find the best way to experince the new content.


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[quote=“Wölfman-stormrage, post:1, topic:1891970, full:true”]
Greetings! We are Guild Name Unknown.

We are looking for future friends, raiders and world explorers for The War Within expansion coming up. We are currently looking for enough people to create a raid team that is AoTC focused. We already have a wide range of roles covered already so we are not picky about who joins. We’re more concerned on if you will fit in or not. Which leads us to…

Who We Are
First and foremost, we are a group of mature players that have lives outside of the game. We all understand that real life does happen and will affect your availability when it comes to scheduled guild content. Family and life first.
We have a very acquired taste when it comes to sense of humor. We tend to not talk about politics or religion but when we do jokes are made and if you have feelings they could get hurt.
Ultimately, we are here to crush dungeons, keys & raids, make jokes and have fun. We’re not out to hurt anyone’s feelings but you do need to toggle off your hide helmet feature.

Guild Focus
We are focused on being a good mythic plus guild and that has nothing to do with rating. The people here enjoy mythic plus content of all ranges and the idea of dungeon running. Some take this more seriously than others and push score each season which is fine but not required. As stated above, we will have a raid team that will most likely push for AoTC each season and that team will have its own guidelines set for it at a later date.

If all of the above sound like what you’re looking for when it comes to a guild then we would love to welcome you! If not, no hard feelings and happy hunting for the guild that fits you! Also please don’t let the door hit you on the way out. :slight_smile:

PST Babiblu85#1527 or anyone in the guild for an invite. We’d love to get to know you!

Hello there.

While we dont look to be raiding Mythic we will be doing Normal then Heroic raid. We are based out of Area 52 server. But later today we wont need to be on same server. We raid 2 nights a week from 9-11pm EST. Come check out our main post and see if we fit what you looking for.