[A] [Grobbulus] <Solstice> New to Classic? Looking for a fresh start? Solstice is recruiting!

Solstice is a Grobbulus Alliance reroll aimed towards players new to Classic and experienced players looking for a fresh start!

The goal of our guild is to provide everyone with a social levelling experience. We encourage our members to seek help from others and group up with similarly levelled players to overcome their obstacles. This means that boosting and skipping content is heavily discouraged, we want to experience all that Classic has to offer!

All members are free to min/max the best classes and specs if they would like to, but it is not a requirement from us. We encourage our members to play and learn the game at their own pace and to roll the classes and specs that they enjoy. For newer players, we have many experienced players in the guild who can help you as you’re learning the game, so feel free to ask questions on Discord or in game!

In the future, once we feel that enough players are nearing and reaching level 60, we will begin to progress into raiding. Raid Officers and resources will be available to assist players in completing attunements and attaining pre-raid BiS’s. World buffs will not be required for any of our raids.

Our guild was formed about 2 weeks ago but members are still levelling at all level ranges. Many of us are levelling at different paces and have alts in addition to our mains, so it is always easy to find groups to help with content at any level. Dungeon groups are formed every day, running all dungeons from the early game Deadmines to the late game Blackrock Depths.

Although Grobbulus is a PST server, we have players in every time zone from PST to EST and players are active throughout the day.

If you are interested in joining Solstice, come join our Discord server:


If you have any further questions about Solstice please feel free to ask away in the #social channel on our server. You can also PM me on our Discord server, my name is Voloril.


I joined this guild recently and everyone’s been really chill and friendly. I’m brand new to Classic Wow, and the guild members have been super helpful. Have been running lots of Deadmines and Whaling Caverns and having a good time. I highly recommend this guild to all my fellow newby newbs :wink:


We are still taking on new members every day! There are always 50+ players online during any given time and at every level range!

We’ve just had about 200 new players join in the last couple of days! We’re all really excited to level together for TBC, come join us!

could i get an invite

Lethidox my ign or Imaginable#1396

What type of people are in your guild? I’ve had a really bad time on this server with toxic troll types, and I’ve been considering leaving. I’m tired of being trolled and bullied off of LFG everytime I so much as try to run a Mara non-boost. I was booted from my last guild just for arguing that Covid was real. I swear I’ve had the worst luck ever.

But like I dont know where I’d go… none of the other servers seem like they’re better options… I’m so lost. I’ve been like depressed and had a hard time getting myself to even log in anymore…


We have a very positive environment in the guild, everyone’s really friendly and helpful with each other.

In terms of boosting, we don’t allow any boosting to be offered or asked for in the guild chat. Dungeons groups are formed organically everyday. Last night for instance we had 2 ZF groups and 2 Mara groups going at the same time. Sometimes it takes a bit to find a group of course, but we’ve all found it to be much faster (and less toxic) than the LFG world channel.


This a great guild if you want to actually enjoy the 1-60 experience before TBC drops. Lots of friendly active members and a big emphasis on zone questing/dungeon grouping. Probably the most fun I’ve had since Classic launch.

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I think the part of Solstice that most stands out for me is that it somehow feels like you are already playing with friends.

Jumping into a group to finish that tough elite quest? Guildies have your back and you’ll be laughing together as something wild happens that causes your adventure to spiral off into a few hour journey together.

Looking for a group for an instance that you’re worried no-one is running these without paying for a boost? Guildies will join up with you and will likely have an amazing time that ends with all scheduling “next time” as opposed to “see you never again”.

Want to experience classic raiding, from the ground up? The guild is rapidly pacing towards MC/ONY/BWL for any member that is looking for that kind of scene. Raid leaders with plenty of experience; but without an overly serious attitude. (Hey, we realize it is Feb '21… we aren’t world firsting anything. Let’s have some fun and make some friends along the way as we down Ragnaros, Onyxia and Nefarian).

TLDR: Join up if you want to experience (and contribute) to an amazing, living, and thriving guild that is focused on the fun of classic (and soon, tbc!)

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Great group here, and we are always looking for more exceptional people! We have tons of newcomers rerolling daily, so there are a large amount of players leveling in every range. We also have people that are close to hitting 60 and preparing for raiding and/or PvP.

We will start raiding with our first raid group on March 28th for those interested in raiding. We will continue to be a space for people looking to start classic for the first time or reroll. With so much interest, we may be running multiple raid groups and PvP events to cater to different play times.

Our goal is to provide a community to experience and enjoy all of classic content together, then prep and transition to TBC. During this time we hope to make bonds that will help drive great experiences in raids, wPvP, BGs, and so on.

Sounds great. I want in! I haven’t been online for a while, but I was thinking of getting back on sometime this week. I hope I’ll be able to find someone from Solstice to add me. This is exactly what I need. A community less toxic than World LFG.

Is that too much to ask for?

Apparently this guild sucks too? I tried to join, but wasn’t allowed because I wasn’t on their discord.

Sigh. I’m never gonna find a place I belong…

Out of curiosity, is joining Discord a deal breaker for some reason?

We do not require Discord to join the guild. Its just a tool that helps us organize and keep everyone connected.

Discord is encouraged but only required for players that want to raid, premade, or do any other guild-driven event. We use discord heavily for news, event signups, and so on.

If there are any questions please reach out to me or another Officer, either ingame or on our Discord

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Still going strong, started our first raid team this weekend! We still have tons of new rollers and people leveling, but are also starting to form raid teams.

Hop on the discord and message us there or ingame for more information or if you’d like to join!

Yall plan to go up through Nax and continue while TBC out?
I started phase 1 but due to irl issues fell out and recently returned.

Just came back, yes I am a Ret pally but would like to progress through the raids and earn my way up in gear with the goal of getting Corrupted Ashbringer etc. My original plan was to join a guild early on become a good member and then earn enough renown with the guild to go through all of that but irl kind of kicked that bucket.

I see yall started a team now, what times you guys think you will be raiding? One of my main issues has been raid times. Most guilds raid either during my drive to work.

Yes, our plan is to start all content from scratch, and to clear through all before TBC hits, then prep and level again and start raiding/pvping again at 70. We have leadership that has been 15/15 Naxx on Classic.

For now, our first raid team Raids Saturdays&Sundays from 6-9 PST. We will be forming a second raid team in about a month, once more people hit 60.

If you have any other questions reach out to us in discord or ingame!

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