[A] [Grobbulus RP] | <The Brawlers Guild>

<The Brawlers Guild>

<The Brawlers Guild> is a casual RP guild simply focused on having a fun community to play with in the game we love. We’re small, and are hoping to foster a tight-knit family vibe amongst the guild. Our community aims to support each other throughout our time in classic (crafting items, helping with quests/dungeons, talking to them when they’re losing their mind), and hopefully we’ll be able to not only make an impact in Azeroth, but that we would also make some IRL friends along the way.

In-game, we are a guild that focuses on brawling. Finally put that unarmed skill to use! We enjoy spending some time in a tavern, shirts off, weapons on the wall, drinks in our bellies, and our fists flying at each other. It’s surprisingly good fun to just spend a little while throwing punches at your pals in the tavern. We do have a few rules when it comes to brawling though…

  1. No weapons
  2. Only wear pants, boots, and a belt
  3. Only use class buffs and racials
  4. Share an ale afterward! ESPECIALLY if they aren’t a part of The Guild yet!

This will be a thing as we get more people and start to hit 60, and it is a priority for most of us to do the current content, but seeing that it isn’t our direct goal with this guild, raiding times and info are TBD.

It is our dream that brawling will span all races, and we will be doing plenty of PvP, as well as (hopefully) some cross-faction brawl events (Gurubashi Arena, duking it out sounds AMAZING).

As we gain ranks, and word begins to spread of The Brawlers Guild, we will organize events for all to enjoy. Throw your weapons aside, down a tankard of ale, beat your chest, and bare your knuckles… we’re ready for a fight.