If you’re looking for your next WoW home (that also raids!) look no further.
Grimfrost was founded in early 2020 as a semi-hardcore guild with a goal to achieve AOTC in every tier, which we’ve achieved in both Castle Nathria and Nyalotha. Our guild has now begun to focus on Mythic with the intent of achieving Cutting Edge in 9.1 and all tiers going forward. Outside of raiding, we have an active Discord and lots of members who enjoy running Mythic+. We’re a friendly, fun group with many of us forming some great friendships and a real sense of comradery!
Progression: Wed/Thurs - 7:30 to 10:30 server (8:30 to 11:30PM EST)
What we need:
We are recruiting all classes and roles right now as we iron out our 9.1 Mythic roster. We have a strong need for a Priest, Windwalker, Boomkin, and Havoc DH.
Ideal candidates have the following qualities:
Friendly attitude, with a good sense of humor
Clears at least 1 high-level key per week to ensure a good Vault
Maintains a high (90%) attendance rate for progression raiding
Understands fights ahead of time (watches videos, guides, etc.)
Understands their class and has a strong drive to improve their personal performance
Comes prepared to raid with food/flasks/potions/enchants
Motivated to help the guild achieve its overall goals and not just for parses or personal loot
Able to take criticism, and respectful when commenting on others
If you’re interested in raiding with us, please message an officer on Discord: Tox#8540, TopGun#9498, Tigel#8054, Daves#7474, or Tipsywaffle#0643
Thank you!