[A] <Grimfrost> 10/10H needs YOU for Mythic!

Grimfrost was founded in early 2020 as a semi-hardcore guild with a goal to achieve AOTC in every tier, which we’ve achieved in both Castle Nathria and Nyalotha. Our guild is currently recruiting exceptional players to begin progression into Mythic. Our overall goal is to upskill the entire guild and move into becoming Mythic-focused guild. We also have an active Discord and run regular Mythic+ groups.

We raid 2 progression nights a week, and an additional optional alt night.

  • Progression: Sun/Mon - 8 to 11 server (9 to 12 EST)

  • Normal/Alt Runs: Wed - 7 to 10 server (8 to 11 EST)

What we need:

We have a strong need for healers and a Demon Hunter. However, we are looking at all great, heroic/mythic-oriented players, regardless of class or spec. Those with off-specs are highly encouraged to apply. We are also recruiting those new to raiding that are willing to learn with a positive attitude, where we’ll trial you in Normal to help get your feet wet.

Ideal candidates have the following qualities:

  • Friendly attitude, with a good sense of humor

  • Maintains a high (90%) attendance rate for progression raiding, especially going into Mythic

  • Understands fights ahead of time (watches videos, guides, etc.)

  • Understands their class and has a strong drive to improve their personal performance

  • Completes at least 1 14+ key each week to ensure a good weekly vault

  • Comes prepared to raid with food/flasks/potions/enchants

  • Motivated to help the guild achieve its overall goals and not just for parses or personal loot

  • Able to take criticism, and respectful when commenting on others

Please apply for our main raid team here: apply.wowaudit dot com/us/emerald-dream/grimfrost/grimfrost

If you’re not interested in Mythic raiding and just want to join the guild for Normal/M+, contact an officer: TopGun#9498, Tox#8540, Tipsywaffle#0643, Isaaros#0361, or vervy#1648

Thank you!