[A] <Grievance> on US-Proudmoore is always looking for more players

Congrats to all that helped push us to AOTC Castle Nathria this past week. Your hard work and dedication culminated in a well deserved victory. Now we set our sights on Mythic progression.

If you would like to join our two day a week raiding guild (T, TH 6pm to 8pm PST), please contact me on BNet neatogeo#1746 or Discord kuro#4670. The guild finder is also a great way to get in touch with us.

Hello all! Still looking for adult, dedicated raiders for AOTC Castle. Looking for DH, DK, resto shaman, and outlaw rogues. Exceptional players are always welcomed regardless of class.

If you would like to join our two day a week raiding guild (T, TH 6pm to 8pm PST), please contact me on BNet neatogeo#1746 or Discord kuro#4670. The guild finder is also a great way to get in touch with us.

Looking for any and all to join us on our 2 day a week (T, Th 6pm to 8pm PST) raiding schedule. We have completed AOTC and 2/10 Mythic Nathria.

Contact me on BNet neatogeo#1746 or Discord kuro#4670. Looking forward to meeting you

Come join us today as we get ready for the next raiding tier coming in patch 9.1. While it might still be a few months away, we are still helping members get their AOTC and glory of the Nathrian raider achievements as well as doing M+ keys for KSM.

Hit me up on BNet neatogeo#1746 or Discord kuro#4670 if you would like to join or get more information. Our website is always available grievancegaming . com to answer any questions you might have.

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The long 8 month drought will finally be over tomorrow. And we would like nothing more than to help you get re-acclimated back into Shadowlands. There will be much dungeon running (including the new mega dungeon Tasavesh), world questing in the new Korthia zone, and Torgast farming to help craft the new legendaries.

Contact me on BNet neatogeo#1746 or Discord kuro#4670 for more info. Hope to hear from you soon!

Congrats on the raid team for going 5/10 on normal Sanctum of Domination! We are still looking for a frost/unholy DK to join our 2 day a week raiding team (Tues/Thurs 6pm to 8pm server).

Contact me on BNet neatogeo#1746 or Discord kuro#4670 for more info. Hope to hear from you soon!

After encountering the wall that is Painsmith, the raid group was able to collect ourselves, and better gear, to finally dispose of the hardest raid boss in SoD this week. Not only that, we were able to progress and go 9/10 Normal with a 2% wipe on Sylvanas! Excellent work raiders!

As a refresher, we are a two day a week raiding guild (T, Th) with raid times of 6pm to 8pm PST. We are still looking for a good DPS DK and a holy pally to round out the raid composition.

Please contact me on BNet neatogeo#1746 or Discord kuro#4670 to join or for general questions.

Congrats everyone for going 10/10 Normal Sanctum of Domination. We are now starting our Heroic run for Ahead of the Curve getting 1/10 H before calling it last Thursday. Excellent work raiders!

As a refresher, we are a two day a week raiding guild (T, Th) with raid times of 6pm to 8pm PST. We are looking for a Holy pally to round out the raid composition. Exceptional players are always welcomed regardless of class.

Please contact me on BNet neatogeo#1746 or Discord kuro#4670 to join or for general questions.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have cleared the first 8 bosses in Heroic on Tuesday, our first raid night of the week, and on Thursday we will see progression against the Herpes boss, Kel’Thuzad, and Legendary Bow dropping MacGuffin herself, Sylvanas.

Raid needs are mages and locks of any flavor, havoc DH, Spriests, and any exceptional players regardless of class.

Please join us by either visiting our website grievancegaming . com or by hitting me up on Discord kuro#4670/Bnet neatogeo#1746.

Grievance is now 9/10 Heroic Sanctum and making progress to defeat Sylvanas for our AOTC.

We are in need healers of any type to help us accomplish this feat.

Please contact me on Discord kuro#4670 or BNet neatogeo#1746 so we can trial you thru this exceptionally well made raid encounter.

Rogue i244 LFGuild to raid with longterm io of 1899 living in texas i believe the raid times will work pls reach back

Great work raid team! Grievance is now 10/10H in Sanctum of Domination, AOTC for those familiar with the raiding scene.

Still looking for healers of any class (DPS off spec familiarity a plus).

Contact me on Discord kuro#4670 or BNet neatogeo#1746 so we can offer you a 2 week trial membership to see if the guild is a good fit for you!

Hello all! Still looking for players that want to have fun raiding casually for their AOTC achievement and dungeoneering for their keystone mastery. Looking for more healers, mages, and dps with a tanking offspec.

Contact me on Discord kuro#4670 or BNet neatogeo#1746 so we can offer you a 2 week trial membership to see if the guild is a good fit for you!

A surprising announcement of patch 9.2 Eternity’s End means that we hope that those that have not jumped over to Final Fantasy 14, permanently, will want to find a guild to play and mingle with. And we hope that Grievance is the guild you will want to join as we are one of the oldest casual guilds on Proudmoore.

For the deets, please contact me on Discord kuro#4670 or BNet neatogeo#1746. The Grievance website is also available grievancegaming . com if you would like to see what other games we are affiliated with.