Greatly Exaggerated is currently recruiting all manner of causal and raiding players for our raid team. We have three Karazhan groups and run 25 player raids once a week, until Karazhan doesn’t yield gear for anyone.
Kara: 10/11 | Gruul's: 2/2 | Mag's: 0/1
Teams & Needs
25 Player
Thurs from 9:30p to Midnight ET
- Healers (Resto Shaman, Resto Druids, Holy / Disc Priests, Holy Paladins)
- Ranged DPS (Shadow Priests, Warlocks, Elemental Shaman, Hunter)
Team Stormwind (10/11): Tues from 9:30p to Midnight ET
- 1 Tank
- 1 Healer
Team Ironforge (10/11): Tues from 9:00p to Midnight ET
- 1 Tank
- DPS (Ranged)
Team Darnassus (10/11): Sun from 9:00p to Midnight ET
- 1 Tank
- 1 Healer
- Be consistent. We have a Discord bot setup for all of our raids to take attendance. If you are not going to be there for a night or an extended period of time, just let us know.
- Have buff food, flasks or elixirs, and weapon oils / sharpening stones / etc
- Be open to constructive feedback, this goes for everyone in the guild. Casuals, Raiders, and Officers alike.
Please contact our recruitment officers if you are interested in giving us a shot
Syndar (Officer / Recruiter): BNet - Krames#1425 | Discord - Krames#4203
Hotwire(Guild Master): BNet - hotwire#1564 | Discord -hotwire11#3089