[A] <Go Big Or Go Gnome> Recruiting for Mythic (2/10 M CN)

Denizens of Lightbringer! You may have thought we had faded into oblivion; but, as per our namesake, we were only hiding in the crevices of Ironforge, biding our time. But no longer will we go gnome, instead we rise to go big!

Go Big Or Go Gnome, a long-standing guild on the server, is making its triumphant return for Shadowlands!

About us: We are a group of core raiders from a time long-past. Once competing for server firsts in WotLK and MoP, we have returned once again to strut our stuff. We are no strangers to raiding, with experience dating back to Vanilla Naxxramas, but acknowledge the importance and value of real life.

Goals: We have every expectation of maintaining AOTC, with progression into Mythic (CE as a stretch goal, if it doesnt get us too sweaty)

Current Progress: 2/10 M CN

DPS - Death Knight, MM/BM Hunter, Demon Hunter, Warrior, Shadow Priest, Mage
If you are not listed above, please know that exceptional applicants from any class/role will be considered

Raid Times:
Tuesday - 8pm-11pm server
Wednesday - 8pm-11pm server

We are recruiting any experience level. As a semi-casual raiding guild, we believe that anyone can learn to raid well. That being said, we expect our raiders to come prepared so as to maximize our raid time while we grow as a team.

If you have any questions, concerns, or are interested in joining, please feel free to contact us!
Battle.net / Discord
Mini#1169 / Mini#3075
Xilverwing#1576 / Xilver#4248
Dkarsinist#1589 / Dkarsinist#4376

Bump for update
Recruitment: Healers - Discipline Priest / Mistweaver monk
DPS - Warlock / Demon Hunter
Exceptional applicant of all classes/roles will be considered

Late to the party, but I am proud to say that after only 6 raid days we have managed to secure our Uncorrupted Voidwings (and with no prior BFA raid experience for any of our roster)

We would like to continue to grow our team.
Healers - Open
DPS - Open (preference to ranged)
To aid in flexibility, also seeking DPS players that are capable and willing to maintain dual-roles

Bump for update
Recruitment: Healers - Holy Priest / Mistweaver monk
DPS - Ranged preferred
Exceptional applicant of all classes/roles will be considered

We’ve been progressing smoothly through the tier. 10/10 N and 3/10 H
As we proceed toward our AotC goal, we’re looking to further round out our roster. Come check us out and join the team!

Healers - Holy Priest / Resto Shaman / Holy Paladin
DPS - Ranged
To aid in flexibility, also seeking DPS players that are capable and willing to maintain dual-roles

Currently 7/10 Heroic looking to expand roster to work towards Mythic

Healers - Holy Priest / Resto Shaman / Holy Paladin
DPS - Ranged
To aid in flexibility, also seeking DPS players that are capable and willing to maintain dual-roles

AotC now!
Looking to round out our roster and move to Mythic progression.
New Raid Days:
Tuesday/Wednesday - 8pm-11pm Server

DPS - Death Knight, MM/BM Hunter, Demon Hunter, Warrior, Shadow Priest, Mage
If you are not listed above, please know that exceptional applicants from any class/role will be considered