A glyph that makes your dire beast be the same as your active pet?

Like, please? it feels so weird to me to summon all these random and disconnect beasts that don’t fit my transmog or my character.

If you have a wolf, all the dire beasts are the same wolf as yours, same for other pets like cats, dinos spirit beasts…

I know there is a a glyph that make the dire beast summon pets in your stable, but if you have many, you still summon a lot of disconnected ones.

Sure to “fix” you could just release all of then, but some of those carry memories don’t want to release then…

This is one of the reasons i drop BM for this expansion, i love BM, but can’t get into this dire beast shenanigans…


Came here to make this post.


well, i guess its not something other fellow hunters want :confused:

I think this is a great idea. I’m currently still in Dragon Isles and it is so odd to see random Devilsaurs appear mid-fight.


bump for visibility, i get it isn’t a big issue and people are prob more concerned about the gameplay and balance, but i think BM would great benefit this

Im having a blast leveling as a Pack leader with Hati and Fenyr coming now and then, rly wanted to be the wolf pack dude, summoning only wolves, but dire beast summoning random beats is killing me and i don’t want to release my other pets :pensive: