(A) < Glass Hearts > recruiting-friendly not fragile!

Hello friends of Moon Guard! Glass Hearts is recruiting! We offer a wide variety of things such as M+ (including to help gear others), and raiding (Fri/Sat 6pm-8:30ST, 12/12N, 8/12H, currently in need of more dps & a healer).
We ask only that you are 18+, LGBTQIA friendly, and are kind towards others.
Come join Glass Hearts, where we will show you that friendly doesn’t mean fragile.

Have a great week!


Hello! Guild leader here, we strongly encourage those who strive for a social experience to try us out. We’re always looking for more friends to make and people to help and if you’re committed to your guild that’s perfectly fine too. We have several people who are from different guilds and even servers who we connect with!

It shouldn’t matter what guild you’re from or what server you play on (but due to technical difficulties; we do ask that you have Alliance characters). But what does matter is that you just want to have a good time. Thanks and stay safe out there folks.

Again, feel free to reach me through discord at: difahrint#2509
Just if you have any questions or even just want to chat up!


Being a normal between toons on Moonguard, seeing this is nice. I see some of you active on the server and your attitudes are great. It draws my interest to possibly even bring in a toon or two to be a part of your community.


Absolutely! We take people in even if they’re already committed to another guild/server. Just reach out to us over at discord and we’ll touch base with you. ^^

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I just joined, but already everyone has been very helpful. You won’t be ignored here, that’s for sure. :smiley: Everyone treats each other with respect and so far I’ve joined in on an RP event, ran some dailies with a guildy, and had some fun in dungeons with another. It’s definitely the place to be if you’re tired of playing solo.

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I joined recently and I’m having a blast. If you are looking for a guild, definitely give this one a chance.

tosses a stone at the Glass Window
It bounces off and pegs Rabald in the head.


Sudden Death!

Bad puns are bad sorry.

I’m looking for a guild with heroic raiding group that has an active and friendly chat for my Monk Gingee who will be my main in Shadowlands (still lvling her atm) I also have current heroic raiding experience in the current tier and am a warm and friendly person who will go out of my way to help other…though I may have the brain of a 13yr old boy in a 40y old woman’s body with my “That’s what she said” references. If you think I might be a fit for your guild I would love to join :smiley:

Hi, I’m very interested in trialing with you guys if you’d have me! I’m about renown 10 and ilvl 190 sPriest main, offspec both Disc and Holy. I also have my shadow’s first legendary, but otherwise working on the first Holy Legendary lol. But feel free to PM me in game or send me in game mail or an invite! My btag is IceBear#11272. :smiley: Also very LGBTQIA friendly <3