[A] <GIRAFFE>'s GM corrupt; guild screws over pugs. Be warned! (Screenshots inside)

Hey ya’ll,

Just a friendly PSA in case you, or anyone you know, thinks about joining on one of their raids. Yesterday I joined their MC raid as DPS on my Shadowpriest (Guggenheim). Loot rules were “MS > OS +1” with only Rejuv Gem reserved (see screenshot 1 below). Everything was going smooth, until [Talisman of Ephemeral Power] dropped. The GIRAFFE Guild Master, Cutegirl, happened to also be the raid leader and loot master. He instantly looted the item to one of the mages in their guild. When I asked why the item wasn’t being rolled off, the majority of the raid literally laughed out loud on Discord and raid chat, stating that a Shadowpriest will never roll on the item (screenshot 2). When I asked again, the members of the guild continued trolling and making a joke out of it (screenshot 3). Ultimately, the GM said they would roll the item off and that it would basically be my roll against their entire caster dps roster roster’s rolls. What they didn’t account for, however, was the small chance that I would roll a 100. Which is exactly what happened (screenshot 4).

Instead of trading the item over to me, however, the GM told his HEALERS to now roll on the item. One of their holy paladins rolled 100. Not that it matters what this paladin’s gear is, because this is not a healer MS item, but they had [Zandalarian Hero Charm] and [Rejuvenating Gem] (screenshot 5). The rest of the raid then continued to troll stating that the item is considered healer MS. At the same time, they were also stating that I wasn’t a DPS (screenshot 6). In short, they stated that there was absolutely no way I would get the item, regardless of my spec or what role the item is considered MS for. As if this was not enough injustice and collusion, the GM stated that the trinket will remain with the mage that the item was originally looted to even though two different people rolled 100. The item was NOT rerolled.

Perhaps the worst part of this fiasco is the lack of leadership displayed by the guild’s GM (Cutegirl), and the collusion he exhibited. After not getting any answers for 40 minutes from when the item dropped, and instead of responding to the trolling and insults that was coming my way on voice comm, I reached out privately to the GM thinking that he would acknowledge right from wrong and address the problem. Once again, the GM is also the person who master looted the item to his guildie without rolling it off. See for yourself his response (screenshot 7).

In an attempt to resolve the matter, I reached out to a different officer in that guild (Conscripez) who was in the preceding BWL raid but not the MC raid being referenced. At first, Conscripez himself acknowledged that the GM is in the wrong here. As the mage officer in that guild, he even stated that the item should not go to a mage at all, but instead should be prioritized for warlocks and SHADOWPRIESTS (screenshot 8). However, it was silly of me to think that this officer would be any different. Soon after acknowledging that I was being shafted by his guild, he stated that he actually “doesn’t give a f…” and that it was my problem not his (screenshot 9).

As I said to the GM in my correspondence with him, what started off as an issue about item quickly became more about the principal and respect. I will not lose any sleep over the ToeP that Cutegirl and the rest of GIRAFFE stole. My goal here is to raise public awareness about the kind of people their officer group are, so that everyone understands what they would be getting themselves in if they were to join a GIRAFFE raid.

As a final note, I want to stress that this is an issue with GIRAFFE’s Guild Master, Cutegirl, and the “leadership” they have in place. Yes, most of the guild members in that MC raid engaged in laughter, insults, and trolling. However, it wasn’t the entire group. In fact, one of the members who witnessed this unfold first hand reached out to me privately after the raid concluded and apologized on behalf of his guild for the fact that they “f’d me over” (screenshot 10). Out of respect for this person’s wishes to remain anonymous, I blanked out their name. Apologies for the long post, but I think it’s important that our community knows about this. See you out there.

SCREENSHOTS: i b b . c o / 6 v w k 8 t J (remove spaces)


Thanks for taking the time to document everything and post. People are entitled to their opinions (even gnomes :D), but at least the facts are out there to be decided.

Not much to be decided here. I will never run with GIRAFFE after seeing this. Will spread the word too.

Thanks for the heads up!

As a a Tankadin who has been screwed out of loot by guilds he was actually part of, I hear ya. Knowing that they will pull this sort of stunt with hybrids, I think I will be deleting their server entry from my Discord account and never pugging with them again.

The people in question can in fact be reported and hopefully be banned/suspended for a few days/weeks. That type of behavior is against TOS and if enough report it will be addressed.