[A] <Get Off My Property> Frostmourne 9/12M, wkend raiding guild

GOMP is a weekend raiding guild, looking to grow the team and push further into Mythic Ny’alotha this tier.

Our raid times are 4-7 pm (server time) on Saturday and Sunday, and we generally chill/do M+ during the week. Relaxed guild with no drama and, generally, no kids =)

We are primarily looking for dps but all roles may apply.

Please reach out if these raid timings work for you! My battletag is #garion1200.

Still looking for a couple more, do reach out if the raid times work for you :slight_smile:

Slight change in raiding times - 3-6 pm (server time) on Sat/Sun.

Updated with progress. Still looking for more dps to finish up the raid before shadowlands :slight_smile: