[A] Geared Priest LF Morning Raiding Guild

I am looking for an AM raid guild that raids somewhere between 7AM and 1PM CST during the week. I am currently on Pagle but willing to transfer for the right guild. Aside from Benediction and Tier 2 items, I am nearly full BiS for Phase 1 and I would like to find a guild to raid with into Phase 2 and beyond.

Hey there! We have opened up recruitment for our second raid team, 10a-1p eastern on Thursday/Friday. We are on a PvP server, which precludes you from transferring to Herod, but if you get to the end of your search process and are unable to find the right fit, we are accepting re-rolls. Officers in our guild raided original Vanilla and are looking to finish the Naxx content that was left on the table.