A Gauge of Interest Horde Centric Military Guild (RP-PVP)

Hey WRA! I’ve been gone awhile and have thought about coming back and starting a guild. Here’s my pitch and if you find interest, get at me and let me know!

RP/PVP - Meaning that we primarily do RP, we casually do unrated/rated PVP when we aren’t RPing. Perhaps there will be RPPVP battles with other groups competitively, but that is unplanned for the moment.

Horde Centric RP - Meaning we would be comprised of orcs, vulpera, tauren, trolls, and all other lore abiding races in the Horde.

Military RP! Horde military, inspired by the horde’s armed forces, Wrath/WoD era soldiery. Military Investigations, Skirmishes, Open World RP, D20 campaigns etc.

Requirements: Have discord, TRP or MRP, follow discord posted rules. 18+

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Fire it up. ML&R

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