A Gathering of Tauren

This arrest of Baine now casts a shadow upon the very heart of the Horde.

The world knew of him for his acts of personal honor.
The Horde knew him for his justice and wisdom, daring to take up arms with Vol’jin against Garrosh’s bloody ways.
The tauren of Highmountain knew him as one who invited alliance with them under the greatest respect.

Yet in the eyes of the tauren of Mulgore, he is one of our very own.

On Wednesday, April 24th at 7pm server (7pm PST) let all tauren gather in Thunder Bluff to mourn the arrest of this good tauren, and speak of what may yet come.


((Bumping this for tomorrow))

Where in TB is it?

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Good point, We’re meeting on the 2nd level of Thunder Bluff’s central rise, next to the bread oven and enchanting trainers.

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