I’m currently on Netherwind, but willing to transfer for the right fit and schedule. Let me know if you have a spot for me and I’d love to talk to you!
: is 12/15 Naxx and recruiting to fill out our raid team.
RAID TIMES: Wed and Fri 8-11PM
RECRUITMENT NEEDS: Mages, Healers(any) and melee dps (rogues or warriors)
All others are encouraged to still apply if interested and will still be considered.
LOOT: Loot is handled by a rotating member loot council. This means each month we will have 1 officer and 3 members in loot council and it will change the following month.
We are looking for any exceptional applicant who has Naxx experience or is willing to learn and can follow directions. The Guild is made up of seasoned vets with 15 years experience to newer strong players, most with families. Leadership is experienced in raiding and we are looking for a few new members who can commit to both raid days for full duration for us to continue to be successful and down KT. Come join the fun in a laid back style of raiding while still getting the job done.
Find me in game drlipschits or allotafagina or discord drlipschits#9385 (all lower case)
Check us out, contact info at the bottom.
Here is more information about us. Let me know if it sounds like a good fit!
[Chombini] [A-Heartseeker-PvP East]
15/15 Naxxramas with single night clears
One tight knit competitive raid team recruiting for our core
Plans to continue into BC when launched
Looking for people who can make raid consistently, perform at a high level and overall enjoy classic
Schedule: Thursday/Sunday @ 8 PM server time(EST)
Loot: loot council with representatives from each class
Overal Info: This is a guild of many former professional gamers from various other games who came together to crush content in an enjoyable fashion. Our goal is to clear fast and efficiently, improving each week but also having fun doing so. If you are looking for a semi-hardcore guild that knows how to have fun then we are the right place for you.
Message me on discord at djpernicus#8175 or ingame at Pern for more information
Pagle Server 11/15 Naxx Is looking for some new blood. We’re a launch day semi-hardcore raiding guild that raids on Tuesdays and Thursday nights, 7:30pm Eastern until 10:30 eastern.
You can contact us:
- through discord “Diddylicious”
- in-game, whisper “Diddylicious”
Good luck on your search but Ill throw mine into the ring
We currently have a M DPS spot open.
Tu/We 7:30-11:30 PST
Contact Fortyz#1911 for more information.