[A] Fury Warr Looking for solid weekend guild, willing to xfer

Hi potential guilds!

I have almost all BIS geared out fury warr with CTS/Mala and am a former top world raider back in old classic.

in current classic i have cleared all current available content and maintain impeccable attendance.

My available days to raid are:
Wednesday through Friday and Sundays

Currently the guild i am raiding with has been on a steady decline, with consistent absences and lackluster performances, its taken a toll on me and im ready to move on. I came back to classic to experience it again and in the end i dont want attendance being the thing that holds me back from clearing content.

feel free to drop the copy pastas and battletags.


Ragnarok is recruiting for our 2nd raid group. Looking for skilled players with positive mindsets. Currently located on Thunderfury (PVP) it’s a healthy server with about a 50:50 alliance/horde ratio.

Raid times:
Tuesday’s/Thursday’s @ 6

If you would like to know more please contact me via discord @GAINZ#2896.

Ill throw my hat in the ring.

Unfortunately Tuesdays wouldnt work for me, best of luck

Hey Ænigmatic!

[A] Looking for exceptional players that want to crush Naxxramas on a light, Saturday morning schedule!

Realm - Fairbanks [PvP]
9/9 Progression AQ40 - Prepping for 15/15 week 1 of Naxx
Main raid - Saturday 10AM-2PM Pacific
Farm raid - Wednesday 6PM-8PM Pacific

We are a tight-knit, talented crew of veteran players that prioritize efficiency and individual responsibility while raiding. The raid environment is competitive and our roster contains some of the very best talent the game has to offer.

If you are a rockstar, stand-out player that likes to challenge yourself, play with a respectful crew, and you have a desire to take it to the next level in Naxxramas (without the hassle of speed clear buffing) - then let’s talk!

-Very stable leadership. Same crew from day 1 of classic and relationships spanning the entirety of WoW history.
-Strong performance and high expectations for all players. Many top performing players from classic and retail alike.
-93.2% rolling execution average in AQ40.
-AQ40 clear times between 1.5 and 2 hrs. (Not a speed clearing guild)
-Very successful alt GDKP raid (9/9 week 2) on Sunday mornings that our players really enjoy.

-Traditional DKP loot system with an added priority (based on BIS lists)
-25 DKP for Main Raid, 5 DKP for farm


Come check us out for more details!


Sadly im unable to commit to saturdays, as i work a double on that day

My contact info is Jmac#0090 (Discord) or Jmac213#1609 (Bnet) if your interested.

Hey Ænigmatic,

We have a spot for a good fury warrior in our wednesday/mon raid. Monday is for naxx progression, as we expect to have it do a 1-night clear after 1 month max. I know you said wed-fri and sunday, but let me know if you are interested.

sorry Cloak, but mondays would never work for me , best of luck

bumping it up

Hay buddy, we are on Remulos Oceanic PvE . Very easy going mature bunch of guys and girls. We are not hard core but we are progressing from 20 mans to 40 mans and as we have new ppl joining, its always exciting, especially for returning players like me. Need more, we encourage anyone joining any of the social raids when we are not raiding as a guild. Pst me here or start a toon on server and pst me there and I will throw you an invite, stay for a while to get a feel for how we roll . Ono

Sorry Ono, but I am not interested in joining a fresh raid team, looking for something that more established. best of luck

Ok, good luck and all the best

Invoke is looking for core raiders for our sunday raid team! 9/9 AQ40 in roughly 2.5 hours but working to reduce clear time. World buffs / consumes required. Laid back environment but always looking to improve performance. Loot council system that is fair to all raiders but rewards performance. Guild has been around since K3 and has another raid on tuesday who is #1 server speed clear.

We raid at 6pm EST on sundays, one day a week. Currently clearing AQ40 only on sundays but as clear time reduces, planning to complete both BWL / AQ40 in one night. Team runs AQ40 on thursday nights currently

Doxi#8041 on discord if you want more information!

Sorry Doxi, but i have never once had a good experience with Loot Council, im going to pass. best of luck

bump it up

bump it up

Wipes on Trash is a West Coast server guild recruiting for our raid team atm. We’re currently doing BWL wednesday at 7, AQ20 on sat at 7 and AQ 40 on Friday at 7 and Sunday at 7 server times (we’re 8/9 currently with cthun dead). We’re a 8/8 BWL and 10/10 MC group, with lots of experienced raiders. Mature humour is a must though, we have some people with little to no filters :stuck_out_tongue:
Hope to hear from you!
Vocifera#0254 on discord if you’d be interested to talk more!

Heartseeker is currently looking for a Warrior for their 2nd raid group (Sundays 6pm EST) We run AQ40 9/9 at that time and have a SR BWL on Thursday that may be moving to Saturdays so that may affect your decision.