We’re a semi-hardcore oceanic guild on frostmourne who have been raiding for awhile now and have a ton of experience in the raiding scene and are serious about making a excellent guild together with the people we have, we’re recruiting all roles and specs and socials who want to come out and have a good time and have the patience and dedication to stick it out for the expansion while we fill missing spots between and willing to want to learn and come and hang out daily with a bunch of active good friends in the oceanic region who do casual RBG Fridays and Mythic+ When we can as a group.
Currently we are looking for more spots to smooth out the roster, Were looking for committed people to the last spots and looking to progress forward looking to head into mythic, any item level will be looked at and trialed.
Currently looking for specifically: DISC Priest, DK, Holy Paladin. ret paladin, Rogue, Resto Druid and Shaman
We are trying not to be picky any other roles or DPS that aren’t above are more than welcome to apply and everyone will be welcome and considered
Raid times: 8pm - 11pm Server Time Wednesday/ Sunday And likely to add a third day somewhere down the road.
Anyone looking to apply can add these bellow, hope to hear from you soon, and thank you for your time.
Bnet: Aegisx#1247 ( Thorgoboom / Me )
Bnet: Grayden#1335 ( Guild master )
Discord: AegisX#3554
Discord: Grayden#0067