(A) Frostmourne <The Wooly Mammoth> 6/11M SoFo, Recruiting for our 8/11H Raid Team!

As the title mentions, The Wooly Mammoth is an established Cutting Edge guild on Frostmourne-Alliance, and we’re recruiting to add to our Friday night Heroic raid!

This is a run for raiders who aren’t looking to step into Mythic, but want to clear AOTC every tier whilst being a part of a guild that encompasses more than just raiding, whilst having access to resources above and beyond that of a regular Social / Heroic raiding guild member.

Day: Friday
Raid Time: 8.30-11.30pm.

Heroic Recruitment
TANKS: High Priority on all tank classes besides Warrior.
DPS: High Priority on Enh Shaman, Warlock (all specs), DK, & Balance Druid.
HEALS: High Priority on Priest (Holy / Disc) & Holy Paladin.

Recruitment for the raid team is not exclusive to the classes above, and we’re happy to accept anyone that is looking to achieve AOTC this tier alongside the Friday night Heroic raid team.

If you’re interested in this, or would like to join the guild & community at a general social level, feel free to add me on discord and I’m happy to go through more information with you. The more, the merrier :slight_smile:



Recruitment continues for any healer and dps classes for Sanctum Heroic! Class and spec choice is of no concern, we’re specifically looking for players who want to have fun on a Friday night in a regular Heroic raid setting that achieves AOTC each tier :slight_smile:

M+ and Social members are also welcome :muscle:t5::deciduous_tree:

What is the raid time?

8.30-11pm mate :slight_smile:


Recruitment continues for any healer and dps classes for Sanctum Heroic! Class and spec choice is of no concern, we’re specifically looking for players who want to have fun on a Friday night in a regular Heroic raid setting that achieves AOTC each tier :slight_smile:

M+ and Social members are also welcome :muscle:t5::deciduous_tree:

250ilvl MM hunter, 5/10 experience, CE long ago. If you are still recruiting for the mythic group I am very interested.
Discord: Lenth#7108
Bnet: Lenth#6643

Hey mate. Check out our Mythic Recruitment post for more info regarding our mythic team:

(A/H) Frostmourne <The Wooly Mammoth> Multi CE OCE Guild: RECRUITING for all content!


Recruitment continues for any healer and dps classes for Sanctum Heroic! Class and spec choice is of no concern, we’re specifically looking for players who want to have fun on a Friday night in a regular Heroic raid setting that achieves AOTC each tier :slight_smile:

M+ and Social members are also welcome :muscle:t5::deciduous_tree:


Recruitment continues for any healer and dps classes for Sanctum Heroic! Class and spec choice is of no concern, we’re specifically looking for players who want to have fun on a Friday night in a regular Heroic raid setting that achieves AOTC each tier :slight_smile:

M+ and Social members are also welcome :muscle:t5::deciduous_tree:


Recruitment continues for any healer and dps classes for Sanctum Heroic! Class and spec choice is of no concern, we’re specifically looking for players who want to have fun on a Friday night in a regular Heroic raid setting that achieves AOTC each tier :slight_smile:

M+ and Social members are also welcome :muscle:t5::deciduous_tree:


Recruitment continues for any healer and dps classes for Sanctum Heroic! Class and spec choice is of no concern, we’re specifically looking for players who want to have fun on a Friday night in a regular Heroic raid setting that achieves AOTC each tier :slight_smile:

M+ and Social members are also welcome :muscle:t5::deciduous_tree:


Recruitment continues for ALL roles & classes for Sanctum Heroic! Class and spec choice is of no concern, we’re specifically looking for players who want to have fun on a Friday night in a regular Heroic raid setting that achieves AOTC each tier :slight_smile:

M+ and Social members are also welcome :muscle:t5::deciduous_tree:


Recruitment continues for any healer and dps classes for Sanctum Heroic! Class and spec choice is of no concern, we’re specifically looking for players who want to have fun on a Friday night in a regular Heroic raid setting that achieves AOTC each tier :slight_smile:

M+ and Social members are also welcome :muscle:t5::deciduous_tree:


Recruitment continues for any healer and dps classes for Sanctum Heroic! Class and spec choice is of no concern, we’re specifically looking for players who want to have fun on a Friday night in a regular Heroic raid setting that achieves AOTC each tier :slight_smile:

M+ and Social members are also welcome :muscle:t5::deciduous_tree:


Recruitment continues for any healer and dps classes for Sanctum Heroic! Class and spec choice is of no concern, we’re specifically looking for players who want to have fun on a Friday night in a regular Heroic raid setting that achieves AOTC each tier :slight_smile:

M+ and Social members are also welcome :muscle:t5::deciduous_tree:


Recruitment continues for any healer and dps classes for Sanctum Heroic! Class and spec choice is of no concern, we’re specifically looking for players who want to have fun on a Friday night in a regular Heroic raid setting that achieves AOTC each tier :slight_smile:

M+ and Social members are also welcome :muscle:t5::deciduous_tree:


Recruitment continues for any healer and dps classes for Sanctum Heroic! Class and spec choice is of no concern, we’re specifically looking for players who want to have fun on a Friday night in a regular Heroic raid setting that achieves AOTC each tier :slight_smile:

M+ and Social members are also welcome :muscle:t5::deciduous_tree:


Recruitment continues for any healer and dps classes for Sanctum Heroic! Class and spec choice is of no concern, we’re specifically looking for players who want to have fun on a Friday night in a regular Heroic raid setting that achieves AOTC each tier :slight_smile:

M+ and Social members are also welcome :muscle:t5::deciduous_tree:


Recruitment continues for any healer and dps classes for Sanctum Heroic! Class and spec choice is of no concern, we’re specifically looking for players who want to have fun on a Friday night in a regular Heroic raid setting that achieves AOTC each tier :slight_smile:

M+ and Social members are also welcome :muscle:t5::deciduous_tree:


Recruitment continues for any healer and dps classes for Sanctum Heroic! Class and spec choice is of no concern, we’re specifically looking for players who want to have fun on a Friday night in a regular Heroic raid setting that achieves AOTC each tier :slight_smile:

M+ and Social members are also welcome :muscle:t5::deciduous_tree: