[A] [Frostmourne] Looking for a brand new guild / small guilds


My friend and I are looking for a new or a small guild in Frostmourne. I play a healer and my friend’s a dps.

We are quite new (my friend just played a month ago), and had decided that it would be nice to grow together with a guild that is freshly formed or that consists of a small, tight-knit community who treats its members like friends / family.

We’re both casuals, but we’re willing to learn the ropes and become raiders in the future.

I hope we could find a home soon.

Thank you so much!

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Howdy. Ive got a small guild thats just kicked off. Basically just me and another fellow at the moment. Looking to grow into a smaller relaxed community for M+, PvP randmomness and maybe if we get enough, raids!
Btag is Cornellious#1289 if this sounds good let me know!

We are not on Frostmourne, but if you were considering a server change, I think we would be a good fit for yourself. New guild building up again, Tight Knit group and always happy to help newer players.
Check us out her on Nagrand/Cael

If not good luck with your guild searching and I hope you find a home :slight_smile: